Labour Party
Welfare, climate big winners in Greens-Labour deal
The welfare system will be overhauled to remove 'excessive sanctions' and make sure people can live in dignity, as part of the Green Party's support deal with Labour.
Coalition deals revealed
The coalition deals between Labour and NZ First and Labour and the Greens have been unveiled. Details were released when the parties held signing ceremonies at Parliament today. Video, Audio
VIDEO: coalition deals signed
Video - Watch as incoming Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern unveils the details of the deals Labour struck with New Zealand First and the Greens. Video
US officially congratulates Labour and Jacinda Ardern
The United States has officially congratulated Labour and Jacinda Ardern on forming the next Government.
The moment Ardern knew Peters would choose Labour
The new PM says she guessed Winston Peters would choose Labour when he spoke about wanting all New Zealanders to share in the country's economic prosperity. Video
Bill English concedes
National Party Leader Bill English talks to reporters about the negotiations that led to the National Party no longer being in government. Audio
Green Party leader speaks to the media
Green Party leader James Shaw talks about the Green Party's role providin in confidence and supply in the new Labour-NZ First-Green alliance. Audio
Jacinda Adern makes first speech as incoming Prime Minister
The Labour Leader and soon to be Prime Minister Jacinda Adern says she believes she has found coalition partners she can work with. Winston Peters has been offered the position of Deputy Prime… Video, Audio
Green Party still needs to officially sign up for coalition
Otago University's expert in electoral law Andrew Geddis on the incoming coalition government. Audio
Political reporters on standby
Political Editor Jane Patterson and numerous other political reporters prepare to hear from Prime Minister-in-waiting Jacinda Adern. Audio
Analysis of the campaign and coalition
Political Scientist Dr Bryce Edwards shares his opinions on Jacinda Adern's rise to power. Audio
Jacinda Adern will be the 40th New Zealand Prime Minister
Former Labour Party Cabinet Minister Clayton Cosgrove comments on the Labour Party's unlikely comeback. Audio
Labour Party, Green Party and NZ First will be government
Former Green co-leader Russel Norman and former Labour Party president Mike Williams give their thoughts on the new coalition. Audio
NZ First will be in coalition with Labour & Greens
Political Editor Jane Patterson reports from a lift right after NZ First leader Winston Peters announced that his party will be in coalition with the Labour Party and Green Party. Audio
‘We could and should be doing far better’ – NZ First chooses Labour
NZ First leader Winston Peters arrives at the Beehive Theatrette and announces his coalition choice is the Labour Party and Green Party. Video, Audio
Political commentators talk coalitions under MMP
Political commentator Matthew Hooton, former United Future leader Peter Dunne and former Alliance leader Sandra Lee discuss the coalition talks. Video, Audio
Greens leader James Shaw: latest on coalition talks
Green Party leader James Shaw tells John Campbell his party is on stand-by to ratify any decision via teleconference with its delegates. Video, Audio
Latest from Parliament as NZ waits for decision
RNZ Political Editor Jane Patterson joins Checkpoint live from Parliament. Video, Audio
NZ waits for decision on next government
The nation continues to wait for New Zealand First's decision on who will form the next government. Winston Peters said earlier today it was a "seriously difficult" decision to make. Video, Audio
Political panel on the constitution and the hiatus
The political hiatus is almost over with Winston Peters due to meet his board on Monday. Otago Law Professor Andrew Geddis and Associate Professor Jennifer Curtin from the School of Politics and… Audio