Labour Party
Labour caucus to consider expelling Sharma as he continues making claims
The Labour Party's caucus is set to meet again after MP Gaurav Sharma made his first public comments since he was suspended earlier this week.
Political post-mortems - and lessons from the past
Has the media focus on political failings become just too intense? A new book lifting the lid on the National Party in opposition has revealed more about the struggles, scandals and scraps that… Video, Audio
Political commentators Lamia Imam & Brigitte Morten
Political commentators Brigitte and Lamia give their verdict on National's two-day conference in Christchurch where it elected a new party president, Sylvia Wood. Audio
The Green dilemma: principles or power?
Are the Greens better off as activists and agitators? Or is there strength in softening to the centre? Audio
MP's exit excites media keen on conflict
Louisa Wall left Parliament this week after condemning the colleagues who manoeuvred her out as a candidate - and telling the media the PM didn't want her as a minister or an MP. Several pundits and… Audio
The sorry saga of the Strategic Tourism Asset Protection fund
A top public watchdog has criticised the lack of clarity and transparency around a government tourism funding scheme that paid hundreds of millions of dollars to operators across New Zealand.
The… Video, Audio
The Weekend Panel with Linda Clark and Mike Williams
Joining us on the Panel this morning are Linda Clark and former Labour Party leader Mike Williams. Among other issues, they discuss the war in Ukraine and the likely findings of the review into the… Audio
Analysis - Jacinda Ardern has no reason to go - yet
The state is obliged to protect the population from deadly diseases but there's no simple or popular way to balance the public health, economic and political risks at the moment.
Michael Cullen on caucus
A previously unbroadcast interview with Sir Michael Cullen about the party caucus, how it works and his experience of it. Audio
Serious Fraud Office charges six people over Labour donations
The six people charged in relation to a donation made to the Labour Party allegedly offended between March 2017 and March 2018.
The Serious Fraud Office charges allege the donors' identities were not… Video, Audio
Claire Robinson: Savage Politics
Author, political commentator and Professor of Communication Design at Massey University, Claire Robinson has now written a play about Aotearoa's first Labour Prime Minister, Michael Joseph Savage… Audio
Meet the new MPs: Labour
The 42 new MPs in Parliament each give an introductory speech. We’re collecting them. Here are the new Labour Party MPs. - UPDATED - Video
Punk Economist: 'The most prudent thing to do now is spend'
One of the world's most high-profile economists says the only way New Zealand will stop its burgeoning housing market being a driver of inequality is through wealth taxes. Audio
Election 2020: Media policy slips down the queue
Vote-chasing political parties push policies on big ticket issues like tax, health and education in the run-up to an election, and plans for broadcasting and media are often left to the last minute -… Audio
Sudden surge of scandal pushes bigger issues into the background
A sudden surge of MPs quitting - some in disgrace - dominated political reporting this week, pushing pre-election policy into the background and painting a poor picture of Parliament.
'Branch stacking' claim against Victorian Labor Minister
Australia correspondent Bernard Keane joins Kathryn to look at the career-ending allegations against Victoria's Labor Minister Adem Somyurek, including that he recruited people into the party to boost… Audio
Political party donations in New Zealand
News broke this week that police and the Serious Fraud Office will investigate the New Zealand First Foundation to see if it has breached the Electoral Act. This follows an announcement on the 29th of… Audio
10: Boom & Bust
With World War I and the flu epidemic past, the good times rolled through the 1920s. Then came the bust of the Great Depression, prompting widespread poverty - that was worse for some - and the rise… Audio
7: Votes, Depressions and Refrigerators
After the wars, politicians had to figure out how to run the new country. Bold choices saw huge spending on infrastructure, the right of women to vote and the start of refrigeration, helping us out of… Audio
Independent review to look at Labour Party assaults fiasco
The scrutiny of Labour Party officials, and potentially Prime Ministerial staff and Ministers, over the sexual assault allegations has been broadened.
The Prime Minister has outlined a further… Video, Audio