Mary Holm
What you really need for your retirement
Columnist and seminar speaker Mary Holm talks about how much of your current income you really need to live on in retirement. Audio
Money with Mary Holm
Mary explains some common scams and what to look out for in order to keep yourself safe. Audio
Money With Mary Holm
Financial author and columnist and seminar-leader, Mary Holm is back to discuss your personal finances. On today's programme we'll be talking about how you can get through Christmas without going… Audio
Money - Mary Holm
Personal finance columnist and author Mary Holm addresses the question of home ownership. Should you own your own home? Audio
Money - Mary Holm
Financial author and columnist Mary Holm is back - today we're discussing KiwiSaver for children and younger people. Audio
Money - Mary Holm
This week: Investing in rental property - the pluses and minuses. Audio
Personal Finance - Mary Holm
Why every New Zealander under 65 should be in KiwiSaver. Audio
Money with Mary Holm
The first in a new series about personal finance with the well-known and prolific financial author Mary Holm. Today's discussion is about mortgages. Audio
DIY Investing
Getting better with the money we earn with personal finance writer Mary Holm... financial traps (and how to escape them). Audio
Investment 101
Getting better with the money we earn with personal finance writer Mary Holm... time and money. Audio
DIY Investing
Getting better with the money we earn with personal finance writer Mary Holm - diversify, diversify, diversify. Audio
Thousands of people now able to access Kiwisaver funds
Thousands of New Zealanders are now able to freely access their KiwiSaver funds for the first time ever, with the savings scheme reaching its fifth anniversary. Audio
Contributions to the KiwiSaver savings scheme have been halved
Government contributions to the KiwiSaver savings scheme have been halved and employer contributions will no longer be tax free. Audio
Financial columnist Mary Holm Kiwisaver moves
The Government is moving to push more of the cost of KiwiSaver onto employers and workers, saving itself hundreds of millions of dollars in the process. Audio
Changes look likely for Kiwisaver scheme in Budget
The Prime Minister has defended government plans to make changes to the Kiwisaver and Working for Families schemes as essential to putting the country on a long term sustainable footing. Audio
The Uncle Percy website
It's a new website that will help you save. There's just one catch though. You won't earn any interest for your troubles. Audio
Kiwisaver expert talks about tougher regulations
Closer scrutiny of Kiwisaver has been put on the government's urgent to do list as it moves to reassure more than a million small investors that their retirement savings are as safe as they can be. Audio
Taskforce disappointed cabinet didn't pick up on main proposal
A member of the Capital Markets Taskforce is disappointed the Government didn't pick up on the main recommendation to open up SOEs to a partial share float. Audio
The Complete Kiwi Saver - everything you need to know
From today, the government's changes to Kiwi Saver make the scheme more flexible and accessible to more people. Audio