Mary Holm
Mary Holm on the risks and benefits of bonds
Most of us are in bonds via our superannuation and kiwisaver schemes. Personal Finance expert Mary Holm looks at bonds - what they are, how safe they are, and why you should know about credit ratings.
…Money with Mary Holm
Personal finance expert Mary Holm looks at what savers and investors are entitled to. Audio
Money with Mary Holm
Mary Holm answers more listener questions on Kiwisaver, particularly for people who are near retirement or already 65. Audio
Money with Mary Holm
Plenty of us do it to buy property, but what about borrowing money to buy shares? Audio
Money with Mary Holm
Personal Finance Expert Mary Holm continues her talk about Kiwisaver and why some people have still not joined. She also answers more questions from listeners. Audio
Money with Mary Holm
Today Mary looks at why some people are still not in KiwiSaver, or are on a contributions holiday: Part 2. Previously she has discussed people with worries and fears and ethical concerns. This time… Audio
Money with Mary Holm: How to avoid being defrauded
Mary Holm discusses New Zealanders' susceptibility to fraud. Audio
Money with Mary Holm
Why some people are still not in KiwiSaver, or are on a contributions holiday. Mary Holm answers more of your questions on kiwisaver. Audio
Money with Mary Holm: 'Eating your house'
Eating your house: ways to make use of the value of your house in retirement. Audio
Money with Mary Holm
Personal finance expert, Mary Holm responds to some of the questions and comments sent in by listeners. Audio
Money with Mary Holm
Mary takes your questions about her favourite type of share investment - index funds and exchange traded funds. Audio
Money with Mary Holm
"Why I'm sticking with shares for the long term - despite recent research." Audio
Money with Mary Holm
Personal Finance expert Mary Holm on emotional thinking and how it affects our financial decisions. Audio
Money with Mary Holm
Mary Holm discusses Kiwisaver and ethical investment, plus her approach to investing in shares - is it really 'dangerous'? Audio
Money with Mary Holm
Personal finance expert Mary Holm looks at clever and not-so-clever moves with mortgages. Audio
Money with Mary Holm
Personal finance expert, Mary Holm answers more listener questions about Kiwisaver performance, and first home help. Audio
Money with Mary Holm
Mary Holm has tips for first home buyers , including how to time the market and the two ways Kiwisaver can help you with the purchase. Audio
Mary Holm on Brexit and Kiwisaver
Personal finance expert, Mary Holm has practical advice on what to do with your kiwisaver and international currencies following the world turmoil caused by the Brexit vote. Audio
Money with Mary Holm
Why do some people spend too much, while others are more miserly? Personal finance expert Mary Holm talks about bad shopping habits and has some advice for big spenders. Audio
Money with Mary Holm
Financial columnist and author and educator, Mary Holm has some answers to some of the questions we've been sent from you about kiwisaver. Audio