Mary Holm
Your Money with Mary Holm
Today financial author and journalist Mary Holm discusses economic wellness. Audio
Your Money with Mary Holm
Financial author and journalist Mary Holm discusses economic wellness. Audio
Your Money with Mary Holm
Financial author and journalist Mary Holm looks again at mixed messages New Zealanders are receiving about what to do with their money - today she explores whether or not you should be investing in… Audio
Your Money with Mary Holm
Financial author and journalist Mary Holm says there are mixed messages to New Zealanders these days and today focuses on one in particular - encouraging people to spend more to support local and… Audio
Your Money with Mary Holm
The Commission for Financial Capability conducted a survey during level four lockdown in April - they wanted to find out if people were considering any changes to their KiwiSaver. Financial author and… Audio
Your Money with Mary Holm
Financial journalist and author Mary Holm discusses how you play the markets to your favour. Audio
Your Money with Mary Holm
How are your finances looking four weeks into Lockdown? Financial author and journalist Mary Holm looks at whether you should take advantage of lower mortgage rates, if it would be wise to defer your… Audio
Your Money with Mary Holm
Mary discusses what you should and shouldn't be doing with your investments at the moment. Audio
Mary Holm explains mortgage holidays
Financial journalist and author Mary Holm shares her advice about mortgage holidays. Audio
Your Money Matters with Mary Holm
Financial author and journalist Mary Holm looks at getting a WOF for your KiwiSaver. Audio
Your Money with Mary Holm
Financial author and journalist Mary Holm is back for her fortnightly money chat. Audio
Your Money with Mary Holm
Financial journalist and author Mary Holm is in to tell us why she disagrees with the result of a recent FMA debate on passive versus active funds, including KiwiSaver. Audio
Your Money with Mary Holm
Investors in shares - and most KiwiSaver investors - are doing "too well" says financial author and journalist Mary Holm, but can it last? Audio
Money with Mary Holm
Popular financial journalist and author Mary Holm is back to go over the Review of Retirement Income Policy 2019, released yesterday. Audio
Your Money with Mary Holm
Christmas is a time for reflection and so financial author and journalist Mary Holm examines what financial decisions she has made and regretted. Audio
Your Money with Mary Holm
Financial author and journalist Mary Holm has been at a conference this morning looking at financial education in schools and payday lending. Audio
A Ticker Tape Tale
The New Zealand stock exchange (NZX) turns 150 this year. But the number of companies listed on it has been falling in recent times, begging the question - is still as relevant as it once was? Audio
Your Money with Mary Holm
Financial author and journalist Mary Holm answers more of your questions today about KiwiSaver and takes a further look at why some people have not joined. Audio
Your Money with Mary Holm
Financial journalist and author Mary Holm and Jesse discuss some research on why people are not in KiwiSaver. Many of their reasons, although not all, are not really valid. Audio
Your money with Mary Holm
Financial journalist and seminar presenter talks about the best way to invest in shares. She's also giving two talks at the Tauranga Arts Festival on Sunday 3 November. Audio