Capturing tuna
Five years ago Himiona Nuku started capturing eels full of eggs and helping them on their migratory journey. That was because two power stations on the Rangitaiki River were blocking their path. Audio
Capturing tuna
Five years ago Himiona Nuku started capturing eels full of eggs and helping them on their migratory journey. That was because two power stations on the Rangitaiki River were blocking their path.
AudioTourism venture pivots to teaching
Kohutapu Lodge was humming four years ago, it was welcoming international backpackers and living up to its five word motto "Changing a town through tourism". Overnight all that changed. After many… Audio
Tourism venture pivots to teaching
Kohutapu Lodge was humming four years ago, it was welcoming international backpackers and living up to its five word motto "Changing a town through tourism". Overnight all that changed. After many…
AudioAnti-vaccine Murupara GP suspended pending further investigation
The anti-vax GP has been pushing his views on the practice's Facebook page for months, calling the vaccine "a gene therapy injection".
Murupara GP to be suspended pending further investigation
Doctor Bernard Conlon says he has received notification from the Medical Council of New Zealand that it intends to suspend him ahead of the investigation into the various complaints laid against him.
Murupara: The town without any cash
Last week, thieves ripped Murupara's only ATM out of the wall. Now NZ Credit Union, the last source of cash in the town, has decided to stop handling cash, leaving residents concerned it'll never… Audio
Missing history in bottling bonanza reports
A new plan for New Zealand's biggest ever water-bottling plant could revive struggling Bay Of Plenty towns, according to reports in the media this past week. But a few facts were missing from the… Audio
Missing history in bottling bonanza reports
A new plan for New Zealand's biggest ever water-bottling plant could revive struggling Bay Of Plenty towns, according to reports in the media this past week. But a few facts were missing from the…
AudioSmall towns' big hopes pinned on huge water bottling plant
The Murupara community is hoping an iwi supported proposal to build the country's biggest water bottling plant could revitalise the once thriving regional town. Audio
A tiny rural school goes global
A tiny school in Rotorua (new entrant to senior students) has a total immersion approach to learning te Reo Maori and Mandarin but they are also going global. With their Mandarin teacher being one of… Audio, Gallery
A tiny rural school goes global
A tiny school in Rotorua (new entrant to senior students) has a total immersion approach to learning te Reo Maori and Mandarin but they are also going global. With their Mandarin teacher being one of…
AudioTotal Immersion - A tiny rural school goes global
Preparing 1200 Chinese dumplings and traditional soup for guests, Te Kura Kaupapa Motuhake O Tawhiuau - a tiny rural school in Murupara south of Rotorua - is hosting its cultural day. They might be… Audio, Gallery
Total Immersion - A tiny rural school goes global
Preparing 1200 Chinese dumplings and traditional soup for guests, Te Kura Kaupapa Motuhake O Tawhiuau - a tiny rural school in Murupara south of Rotorua - is hosting its cultural day. They might be…