Nz Film Industry
Filming on in the wake of the Rings' departure
New Zealand’s latest lockdown isn’t the only factor making it difficult for big film productions – our infrastructure is problematic too.
Filming on in the wake of the Rings' departure
New Zealand’s latest lockdown isn’t the only factor making it difficult for big film productions – our infrastructure is problematic too.
AudioQuestioning the movie subsidies to international giants
Why do we pay mega-subsidies to international movie giants to come to New Zealand to film? Is it really worth it? Audio
Questioning the movie subsidies to international giants
Why do we pay mega-subsidies to international movie giants to come to New Zealand to film? Is it really worth it?
AudioAvatar's Jon Landau on filming a sci-fi world in a Covid world
Avatar producer Jon Landau talks to Sharon Brettkelly about making block-buster sequels in New Zealand - far away from home, during a pandemic. Audio
Avatar's Jon Landau on filming a sci-fi world in a Covid world
Avatar producer Jon Landau talks to Sharon Brettkelly about making block-buster sequels in New Zealand - far away from home, during a pandemic.