Nigel Collins
The Axeman's Carnival - Ep 12
What will become of Marnie and Tama and the other inhabitants of the farm on Wilderness Rd? Audio
The Axeman's Carnival - Ep 7
Tama, and his "happy" family are proving to be an internet sensation and the money is rolling in. Audio
The Axeman's Carnival - Ep 10
Marnie and Ange perform their "sexy cowgirls" number while Rob contests the "hard hitting" event. Audio
The Axeman's Carnival - Ep 2
Despite opposition from her husband and mother Marnie determines to keep Tama in the house. Audio
The Axeman's Carnival - Ep 6
Marnie and Ange are prepping their song and dance number in secret while cameras are set up all over the house. Audio
The Axeman's Carnival - Ep 4
Rob is struggling with a failing farm and looking for something or someone to blame and take his frustrations out on. Audio
The Axeman's Carnival - Ep 1
Marnie finds an unfleged magpie chick and despite her husbands firm disapproval sets to caring for the helpless creature. Audio
The Axeman's Carnival - Ep 9
The big day arrives, Rob's axe is honed, his muscles primed. Audio
The Axeman's Carnival - Ep 3
Marnie keeps putting pics of Tama on the internet and he proves to be very popular. Audio
The Axeman's Carnival - Ep 5
Suspicion and jealousy runs deep in Rob while Tama's popularity saws bringing visitors to the farm on Wilderness Rd. Audio
The Axeman's Carnival - Ep 11
Time for all the "Magpies" to "come home to roost" as our story careers towards a shattering climax in the reading tonight. Audio
The Axeman's Carnival - Ep 8
With the Axeman's Carnival fast approaching Rob is in full training while the perils of live streaming come home to roost. Audio
Fake Baby - Pt 1
The wounded Jaanvi succumbs to temptation while Lucas makes an error. Audio
Fake Baby - Pt 10
Jaanvi flashes back to a tragic night while Lucas suffers from a hangover. Audio
Fake Baby - Pt 6
Lucas acts on impulse while Jaanvi and Mark's special night goes west. Audio
Fake Baby - Pt 4
Jaanvi feels everyone is against her while Lucas endures a visit from his mother and a surprise guest. Audio