Pacific Labour Mobility
Fiji Methodist leader calls for partnerships to address drug issue
The church is working with the government and all stakeholders on education and awareness about the impact of drug use on individuals, families, and society in general as a whole.
Social impacts of labour mobility need to be better understood - study
A UNICEF Pacific report has found regional employment schemes can sometimes create family tensions and lead to marital breakdowns. Audio
Pacific labour mobility: let's talk about sex
Significant barriers remain for Australia's PALM scheme participants in accessing SHR services and information, including support for survivors of sexual and gender-based violence.
Can overseas workers boost Pacific prosperity?
Analysis - As Pacific Island nations navigate their way out of pandemic debt, work abroad schemes could help, Paresh Narayan and Bernard Iyke write.
Australia's seasonal worker numbers increase by 450%
In June 2019, there were just under 6000 PALM visa holders in Australia and as of May this year there are over 32,000.
Pacific children left behind due to seasonal work schemes
Vanuatu's Deputy Prime Minister Matai Seremaiah says many children in the Pacific no longer live with their parents because of labour schemes in Australia and New Zealand. Audio
Solomon Islands RSE workers await verdict in ongoing trial
Three seasonal workers from the Solomon Islands who say their weekly wages were sometimes reduced to zero from deductions are waiting on a Court of Appeal decision on their case.
NZ human rights chief renews call for changes to RSE scheme
Saunoamaali'i Dr Karanina Sumeo says it's the perfect time to improve treatment of Pacific workers amid plans to expand the Recognised Seasonal Employer Scheme.
Regional labour schemes causing issues for Pacific healthcare
Pacific labour mobility schemes are being blamed for making it easier for nurses to leave their countries and take up employment opportunities as aged care workers in New Zealand and Australia. Audio