Predator Free 2050
NZ innovators using AI traps in fight against pests
Artificial intelligence is making conservation efforts faster and easier in the fight for total pest eradication, with new traps able to tell predator from protected species.
Billy Barton - 'They call me the Ferret Man'
Billy Barton used to compete with ferrets as a past-time in his native Wales. Now he trains them and a pack of white shepherd dogs to hunt out rabbits and feral cats in NZ's war against pests. Audio
Aotearoa's Hidden History: The Father of NZ Conservation
The second episode in a six part series looking at some lesser known events and personalities in New Zealand's history. Today Thomas looks at Richard Henry, who laid the blueprint for the modern… Audio
Is there a future for gene editing in pest control?
Amanda Konyn, a student at the University of Otago's Department of Science Communication, investigates whether gene editing has a role in future pest control. Audio
Predator Free 2050
Why are people trying to stop possums, rats, ferrets and stoats from weaselling their way into our gardens, forests and mountains? Audio
D'Urville Island stoat eradication plan put on hold
A large-scale stoat eradication programme on d'Urville Island can no longer go ahead because of problems with land access.
Restoration - battling predators and planting trees
Katy Gosset speaks to a PhD student designing new tech to catch predators and Claire Concannon meets the team who are working to restore a unique landscape on the South Island's West Coast. Audio
The designer behind the new Predator Free 2050 movement logo
A new logo was recently unveiled for the Predator Free 2050 movement. Tyrone Ohia is the designer who came up with the new look logo which includes MÄori representation. Jesse talks to Tyrone who's… Audio
4: Hope / What’s in It for Us?
In the series finale, Hope, we get a glimpse of what a predator-free Aotearoa could look like, and look at the breakthrough technologies and innovations taking us towards that goal. Video, Audio
3: Battle / Predator Free 2050 & Māori
Community-led projects are leading the charge to halt biodiversity decline, while researchers make break-throughs in their quest to remove predators and protect borders from reinvasion. Video, Audio
2: Defiance / Remove and Protect
New Zealander’s have drawn a line in the sand, announcing they will rid the nation of rats, stoats and possums by 2050, but what will it take to get there? Video, Audio
1: Loss / Dealing with Loss
Loss looks at the devastating effect introduced mammals have had on New Zealand's unique wildlife. Video, Audio
Pesky Possum
Ben Stubbs killed 800 possums in his QE2 block just after Christmas. He earnt more for the fur from those animals than he did from his wool cheque off 2000 ewes. He says it makes you view road kill… Audio
The cutting-edge technology that could take the sting out of summer
Wasps are a plague every summer, the unwelcome harasser at your picnic or tramping rest stop. Kathryn talks to Gemma McLaughlin, a PhD candidate at Otago University, who's at the forefront of efforts… Audio
Supercharging critter control
Dr Helen Blackie is leading efforts to supercharge Predator Free 2050 with solutions spanning engineering, creative design, animal behaviour, toxicology and ecology. But it's not easy with an… Audio, Gallery
Largest ever predator control project launched
Taranaki Taku Tūranga - which aims to eradicate pests from the entire region -- will get an injection of nearly $12 million over five years from the Predator Free 2050 fund. Video, Audio
Kevin Hackwell: for the birds
Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage has added $81.3 million in funding to the Department of Conservation to be channelled into predator control over four years. Kevin Hackwell, chief conservation… Audio
Auckland Islands target of pest removal plan
Feral pigs that have run rampant on the Auckland Islands will be targeted in a large scale pest removal plan for the main island in the group of subantarctic islands, Conservation Minister Maggie…
Fur flies over possum poisoning
New Zealand's goal to become predator free by 2050 is wasting a valuable resource in the process, a possum-fur industry veteran says.
Predator Free 2050 plan revealed
It's being called an Apollo Walk by the Conservation Minister and impossible by others. Predator Free 2050 aims to rid the country of rats cats, stoats ferrets and possums in the next 34 years, and… Audio