Ragne Maxwell
Porirua College cancels NCEA literacy tests due to pressure
Porirua College has cancelled its NCEA literacy tests because students arent ready for them and there's already too much pressure on them and staff according to the principal. Students need to pass… Audio
School attendance rates to be published every week
Ragne Maxwell, the Principal of Porirua College speaks to Lisa Owen about the governments crack down on truancy, it has set a target of 80% of students in class for 90% of the term by 2030. Audio
Principal 'deeply disappointed' over plans to cut free school lunches programme
A Porirua Principal is deeply disappointed the government is looking to axe funding for free lunches in schools by up to 50 percent.
The $323 million programme is under review with ACT leader and… Audio
Most students who failed NCEA tests failed second attempt
Figures provided to Radio New Zealand show most students who failed high-stakes NCEA tests on their first attempt last year failed again on their second try.
The figures for those from the most… Audio
Students fail new NCEA tests on second attempt
Most students who failed crucial new NCEA tests on their first attempt last year failed again on their second try.
Principals say they will be more careful about ensuring students sit the reading… Audio
Students check out NCEA results
The wait is over - and teenagers and their schools have spent the past 24 hours checking NCEA results.
Though many young people achieved enough internally-assessed credits to get their… Audio
Porirua principal on Covid-19 impact on schools
New documents show that top officials are deeply worried about the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on our schools.
In briefings to Ministers, the Education Ministry emphasised urgent problems with… Audio
A 'truancy crisis': 60,000 students chronically absent
Ministry of Education figures show more than 60,000 students are classified as chronically absent, missing at least three days of school every fortnight. Almost 40 percent of pupils are not going to… Audio
Calls for open university entrance - lockdown highlights inequities in education
School is back today for one million students after nearly eight weeks at home, and new research shines reveals the impact of the lockdown particularly on Maori and Pasifika students. From Evaluation… Audio
Porirua community gathers to discuss spate of suicides
A spate of suicides in Porirua north of Wellington has left the community shocked and desperate for help. About 200 people turned up to an emergency meeting at the college hall on Monday night… Audio