NZ Rodeo makes changes after doing its own review
New Zealand Rodeo Cowboys Association is changing some of its practises to address animal welfare concerns after an outpouring of public concern last season. Alex Perrottet interviewed president Lyal… Video, Audio
Squeaky Clean?
Dr Clive Dalton, a retired animal scientist, says New Zealand needs to seriously look at many farming and recreational practises that we see as "normal" and question how they'd look to overseas… Audio
Squeaky Clean?
Dr Clive Dalton, a retired animal scientist, says New Zealand needs to seriously look at many farming and recreational practises that we see as "normal" and question how they'd look to overseas…
AudioRodeos illegal and must be banned, report says
Rodeos are against the law and must therefore be banned according to a new report released today by the Animal Law Association. Audio
Rodeos illegal, go against Animal Welfare Act - report
Rodeos cannot legally continue as the way animals are treated goes against the Animal Welfare Act, a 92 page report by the Animal Law Association says. Video, Audio
Warning for rodeo cowboy caught electric-shocking calves
A rodeo cowboy who was caught abusing animals earlier this year has escaped formal punishment - a decision animal welfare activists say is ludicrous. Video, Audio
Questions raised about how rodeo rules work
Rodeos could be against the law if it was not for a specially written set of standards, a senior government animal welfare investigator has said. Audio
Questions raised about how rodeo rules work
An internal memorandum written by a senior animal welfare investigator at the Ministry for Primary Industries has raised questions around how rodeo legislation works. Video, Audio
New rodeo footage shows cattle electric shocked, punched
More footage of a Northland rodeo has emerged, this time showing teenage cattle being struck with an electric prodder. Zac Fleming reports. Video, Audio
Under-fire rodeo loses further sponsors
Two more large companies have pulled out of sponsoring a Northland rodeo because of concerns of animal mistreatment.
Rodeo abuse claims: Three firms pull sponsorship
Three national real estate companies have cancelled their sponsorship of a Northland rodeo because of concerns around animal mistreatment. Audio
Companies pull rodeo sponsorship over alleged animal abuse
Ray White, LJ Hooker and Harcourts have cancelled their sponsorship of the Mid Northern Rodeo after allegations of animal abuse, including calves being electric shocked. Audio
SPCA asking for rodeo ban following release of new footage
The SPCA says it's concerned by exclusive footage released to Checkpoint that appears to show calves being electric shocked. Audio
MPI head of animal welfare discusses rodeo footage
Ministry of Primary Industries head of animal welfare compliance, Chris Rodwell, says the codes of animal welfare are difficult to enforce. Audio
Rodeo footage shows animals restrained, in distress
The Ministry of Primary Industries has launched an investigation after footage of rodeos, released exclusively to Checkpoint, appears to show animals being electrically prodded and restrained.
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Rodeo protesters 'irrelevant', say cowboys
A national cowboy group no longer takes notice of anti-rodeo protesters, who have an inaccurate view of their sport, it says.
Animal rights protestors champing at bit
Discussion about the ethics of rodeo is rearing its head once again, as the season got underway with an event yesterday at Warkworth, near Auckland. Audio
Time for rodeos to be banned?
A petition signed by 62,000 New Zealanders calling for rodeos to be banned was almost immediately ruled out by the Ministry for Primary Industries. Audio
The end could be nigh for rodeos
A Parliamentary Select Committee is now considering animal welfare concerns after being presented with a 60,000 signature petition. Audio