Te Reo
Aotearoa - Tihei Mauriora & He Waiata Mo Te Iwi
In the 1980s, a band of young Maori musicians set out to sing about their language and their culture. They named themselves Aotearoa. In this episode of Essential New Zealand Albums Nick Bollinger… Audio
More than 200,000 people can hold conversation in Te Reo Maori
There are now more te reo Maori speakers than ever before. Data from the 2023 Census shows that more than 200 hundred thousand people - or 4.3 percent of Kiwis - can hold a conversation in te reo… Audio
Waipapa Taumata Rau Auckland University's new ReoSpace
Waipapa Taumata Rau, Auckland University has opened a new space dedicated to speaking Te Reo Māori. ReoSpace was opened on Wednesday at Te Tumu Herenga, the university's library. Kaiārahi and PhD… Audio
What are the 10 best things about Aotearoa?
First person - Venetia Sherson picks her favourite things about being a New Zealander.
The Panel with Zoe George and Phil O'Reilly (Part 2)
Today on the panel Wallace and panellists Zoe George and Phil O'Reilly ask what the future holds, especially for young people. And, NZ Rugby calls abuse of sports unacceptable and concerning" - we… Audio
Mahuru Māori: Month for speaking te reo returns for 2023
Mahuru Māori, the month-long kaupapa aiming at normalising te reo in everyday, situations is back for 2023.