The week in Detail: Volcanoes, elections, shipping and apples
Every weekday, The Detail makes sense of the big news stories. Catch up on any episodes you might have missed. Audio
The week in Detail: Volcanoes, elections, shipping and apples
Every weekday, The Detail makes sense of the big news stories. Catch up on any episodes you might have missed.
AudioTwenty years on from independence: New Zealand in Timor-Leste
At the turn of the millennium, the Timorese people voted for independence from Indonesia. Twenty years on, The Detail talks to New Zealanders who played a part in building a new democracy. Audio
Twenty years on from independence: New Zealand in Timor-Leste
At the turn of the millennium, the Timorese people voted for independence from Indonesia. Twenty years on, The Detail talks to New Zealanders who played a part in building a new democracy.
AudioTimor running out of money
Timor Leste is running out of money because of the decline of its oil industry and Government overspending. Audio
Timor running out of money
The fall of Timor Leste's only industry, petroleum, and Government overspending is sending the country broke. Audio