Trans Tasman Resources
Taranaki region leaders at odds with government plans
There's a clash of wills going on between central and local government in Taranaki when it comes to plans for seabed mining.
Activist Athol Steward's 20km ocean swim in protest over seabed mining
An environmental activist has swum a giant "X" across a proposed seabed mining site 25km off the South Taranaki coast to mark it as a no-go area for commercial development.
Company defends EPA decision in iron sands appeal
There is no evidence the Environmental Protection Authority lacked information when it approved mining off the south Taranaki coast, the High Court has been told.
Appeals lodged against iron sands mining plan
Iwi and environmental groups are to appeal a bid to take millions of tonnes of iron sand from the seabed off South Taranaki.
Mining company gets approval to dig for ironsands
Trans Tasman Resources has won the right to dig 50 million tonnes of ironsands a year from the South Taranaki ocean floor and extract 5 million tonnes of iron ore from it. Audio
Firm given permission to dig for ironsands off Taranaki
Trans Tasman Resources is the first company allowed to mine in New Zealand's Exclusive Economic Zone. But opponents vow to fight the Environmental Protection Authority's decision. Video, Audio
Seabed mining approved in split decision
An application to mine millions of tonnes of iron sand off South Taranaki has been approved by the Environmental Protection Authority.
TTR reject accusations proposed mine would ruin environment
The company wanting to mine iron sand off the South Taranaki coast has rejected accusations its proposal would wreck the marine environment. Eric Frykberg reports on the last day of hearings at the… Audio
Company denies seabed mining would wreck environment
A company wanting to mine iron sand off the South Taranaki coast has rejected accusations its proposal would wreck the marine environment.
Last-minute info request from seabed miner unfair - opponents
Opponents of a proposal to mine millions of tonnes of ironsand from the seabed off the Taranaki coast say the hearings process has been biased.
Iwi takes shot at EPA over 'redacted' mining videos
A South Taranaki iwi has accused the Environmental Protection Authority of not releasing videos it says were redacted from an application to mine ironsands of the region's coast.
EPA to publish blacked-out mining info ASAP
The Environmental Protection Authority has pledged to publish previously redacted information about a major mining project on its website as soon as it can.
Trans Tasman Resources must reveal blacked-out documents
Activists have won the right to see hundreds of blacked-out pages of information about a proposed seabed mining operation in Taranaki.
Fight over blacked-out mining documents heads to court
Activists are fighting to see hundreds of blacked-out pages of information about an application to mine ironsand from the Taranaki seabed.
Company makes new iron sand mining attempt
A plan to mine iron sands off the South Taranaki coast is back on the table, two years after a similar application by Trans-Tasman Resources was turned down.