Una Jagose
Govt's apology intensifies demands for accountability
The Crown has finally said sorry to the survivors of horrific abuse suffered in state care, but the apology has only intensified demands for accountability and compensation. Political reporter Anneke… Audio
Abuse survivors want Jagose gone
Una Jagose was involved in throwing everything at efforts to stop victims of state abuse winning their cases. Now those victims don't trust her to lead the government's legal response. Audio
Peter Ellis Supreme Court appeal may set tikanga precedent
The Supreme Court has been told the Peter Ellis criminal appeal should be heard despite his death, in order to provide finality to the case and restore his mana.
If the appeal is granted, it could… Video, Audio
GCSB speech cancelled after protest action
The acting director of the electronic spy agency, the GCSB, was about to deliver a rare speech in Wellington when the event was hijacked by protestors. Audio
GCSB chief warns data collection not limited to spy agencies
The acting director of the Government Communications Security Bureau, Una Jagose, says the public should be just as concerned about private sector collection of their data as they are about collection… Audio