Venom and the Spiderman Symbiote
Symbiotes are extraterrestrial parasites that appear in the Marvel Comics Spiderverse. In particular, Venom is a symbiote who attaches to journalist Eddie Brock. Dr Paul Hume chats with Bryan Crump… Audio
Short-Cuts with Dan Slevin
Dan Slevin, Nights' resident movie buff picks out a fully-restored release of the complete series of Monty Python's Flying Circus, and two free-to-view superhero movies for weekend viewing. Audio
Movie review - Venom: Let There Be Carnage
Venom: Let There Be Carnage sees Eddie (Tom Hardy) still hosting alien being Venom, but this time he confronts a bad guy in the same predicament. Features Woody Harrelson (The Hunger Games) and… Video, Audio
Could spider venom help stroke recovery?
Dr Chris Smith of The Naked Scientists on a discovery by a team of Australian researchers which has found that the venom of one of the world's most dangerous spiders can protect brain cells after a… Audio
South of Heaven Part 2
In part two of 'South of Heaven: Extreme Metal in New Zealand' Craig Hayes finds out how New Zealand's extreme metal community was able to rebuild itself well away from mainstream eyes and ears, with… Audio