Alex Calder
Alex Calder, an associate professor of English at the University of Auckland, edited for re-publication the classic 1963 memoir by Alexander Aitken,Gallipoli to the Somme: Recollections of a New… Audio
New Zealand music in times of conflict
Music historian and author Chris Bourke discusses New Zealand music in times of conflict. Audio
The canary war hero
War historian Glyn Harper tells the story of a tiny canary who helped a band of tunnellers survive the First World War. The story is in the form of a children's book and is based on a real-life… Audio
NZ sculptor designs a US Mint coin
US based New Zealand, LeRoy Transfield has designed a special coin for the US Mint to commemorate the contributions of Americans to World War 1. He entered his design as part of a competition run by… Audio
Our Own Odysseys - Paul Barker
Paul Barker, author of the family history GERALDINE TO JERICHO - about the young New Zealanders in the Palestine Campaign has just returned from the 100 Year Commemorations in Beersheva where a plaque… Audio
Celebrating the music of the Great War
Music has the ability to tell stories, convey emotions and keep memories alive. In his new book Good-bye Maoriland Chris Bourke explores the importance of New Zealand music during the Great War… Audio
National ceremony a way to remember, pay respects
RNZ reporter Te Aniwa Hurihanganui was at the Pukeahu National War Memorial Park in Wellington to witness the national ceremony marking the 100th anniversary of Passchendaele. Audio
Tramping battlefields brings home the reality of war
Navy officer Te Kani Te Wiata is in Belgium to commemorate the 100-year anniversary of Passchendaele, where his own great-grandfather was wounded, later dying of his injuries. Video, Audio
New Zealand's deadliest day, 100 years on
Ceremonies marking the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Passchendaele were held throughout New Zealand. Veterans' Affairs Reporter Andrew McRae reports. Video, Audio
Remembering Passchendaele through music
Composer and musician Peter Hobbs has released the single '300 Yards Of Ground' to commemorate the centenary of the battle of Passchendaele – one of the worst days in New Zealand military history. Video
Making a century-old war relevant today
Auckland War Memorial Museum is about to unveil its new gallery, coinciding with the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Passchendaele. Pou Kanohi New Zealand at War is making history. It's the first… Audio, Gallery
Epidemic: the story of Robert Logan
Can you imagine if 20 per cent of the people you know suddenly died? How would you feel if the people in charge blocked doctors from helping them? For Samoans in 1918 this wasn't a hypothetical… Audio
The NZ connection to the Bulford Kiwi
Our guest Colleen Brown is going to be talking about The Bulford Kiwi. The Kiwi was constructed on Beacon Hill overlooking Sling Camp (now gone), part of Bulford Camp, during the occupation of the… Audio
Waiouru's army museum visitor numbers on rise
The National Army Museum in Waiouru says visitor numbers and enquiries are up, as the country commemorates the centenary of World War I.
Veterans' farm has done its job now return it - iwi
A farm set up to help Māori veterans from World War I has done its job and the land should be given back, a marae in Wairoa says.
Good Sons - Greg Hall
Author Greg Hall has penned a book based on World War One and the stories of three young Oamaru men who answer the call of duty and find themselves on the dangerous front lines on the other side of… Audio
Tim Thorpe
Tim Thorpe of Upper Hutt has been tweeting daily extracts from his great uncle's diary – 100 years to the day since he started serving in WW1. Audio
Nights' Pundit - Military History
Historian Dr. Damien Fenton on the Battle of Verdun and the role of France in the First World War. Audio
Lest They Forget: What next for NZ and the EU?
Insight - New Zealand and the EU are due to start negotiating a free trade deal. Will the sacrifices made 100 years ago be taken into account? Andrew McRae reports. Audio
Artist Michel Tuffery explores Waiheke Island
A community art project at Waiheke Art Gallery on Waiheke Island has uncovered rich material for artist Michel Tuffery. Michel works with objects - you might remember his cattle sculptures made from… Audio, Gallery