Waiheke Island
Body found on Waiheke Island
A body that has been found on Waiheke Island has been there for some time, according to Auckland police.
Whittaker's Musical Experience
Tim Dodd visits the Whittaker's Music Museum on Waiheke Island and talks to Lloyd and Joan Whittaker about their marvellous collection of harmonicas, accordions, concertinas, pianolas, pianos and… Audio
Waiheke Islanders seek to sever ties to the Supercity
Waiheke Islanders who want to run their own affairs are confident they now have the numbers to take the next step in their efforts to sever ties with Auckland's supercity. Audio
Waiheke Island's 'push' to cut ties with Auckland
Councils around the country have, of late, been considering whether they should follow Auckland's lead and go 'Super'. Wellington and Northland said no, people in Hawke's Bay will vote later this… Audio
New Zealand A to Z - Onetangi
We are heading off shore for the last edition of New Zealand A to Z for 2014. This place is described, at least by locals, as the jewel in the crown of Waiheke Island. It's the location of the largest… Audio
Auckland Council may take tougher line on boat squatters
Auckland Council is signalling it may take a tougher line against owners of boats moored illegally on public land at Waiheke Island. Audio
Waiheke police investigate fatal boat fire, locals concerned
As the police continue to investigate a fatal boat fire on Waiheke Island, it's emerged another boat owned by the same man was gutted by fire several months ago. Audio