Waikato Tainui
Tuku Morgan on why he's so fired up
Waikato-Tainui leader Tuku Morgan tells Guyon why he's so fired about the backlash against te reo, how young Māori have the power to change the future and why he's not sorry about that underwear… Video, Audio
Ruakura Superhub: Building Aotearoa's largest inland port
"In 20 years, it will be the epicentre of logistics in the North Island." Audio
Ruakura Superhub: Building Aotearoa's largest inland port
"In 20 years, it will be the epicentre of logistics in the North Island."
AudioWaikato-Tainui welcome removal of Hamilton statue
Waikato Māori say glorifying colonial-era figures in statue form is a reminder of the devastating effects of British injustice.
Hamilton City Council contractors this morning removed British army… Video, Audio
Kiingitanga, Tainui won't rule out Ihumātao buy-back
Waikato-Tainui and the Kiingitanga have not ruled out buying back Ihumātao to put an end to the Māori land dispute in south Auckland.
But they say no deal has been struck despite rumours that they're… Audio
Tainui welcomes Treaty settlement top-up
Earlier on Morning Report we spoke to the Minister for Treaty Negotiations Andrew Little on the $370 million settlement top-up given to Ngai Tahu and Tainui iwi. The payout is thanks to a clause… Audio
Maori call for clarity on water rights
Iwi leaders have been trying to get clarity over water rights and water ownership for decades, including as part of Treaty settlements. Waikato-Tainui chairman Rahui Papa joins Checkpoint. Audio
Waikato Tainui celebrate 20 years since Raupatu settlement
It's 20-years today since Waikato-Tainui signed the first major settlement based on historical confiscation of land, or raupatu, with the Crown. Audio