Whānau 2021
Whānau 2021 | Full Documentary
The latest instalment in a special longitudinal documentary project that began following the lives of four Māori born in 2000. Video
Whānau 2021 | Uenukukōpako
Uenukukōpako has a strong connection with his ūkaipo, Harataunga - the idyllic Kennedy Bay on the beautiful Coromandel peninsula. Video
Whānau 2021 | Pianika
Pianika was the fifth child and a millennium surprise for her young Mormon parents who’ve changed a lot as they’ve connected to their taha Māori. Pianika’s life is about to take a radical change. Video
Whānau 2021 | KaHana
KaHana’s mum Renei was 19 when he was born, and she raised him with the support of her parents. KaHana shares the story of his upbringing and reflects on love and loss. Video
Whānau 2021 | He Kohinga Whakaaro
Our three millennium babies come together to reflect on being part of the ‘Whānau’ documentary series. They share what it means to them to be Māori in the new millennium. Video