Work And Income
New sanctions could push young beneficiaries to P - Drug Foundation
Young beneficiaries who use drugs could turn to methamphetamine to avoid sanctions because it's harder to detect, the Drug Foundation warns.
'Dire' rental situation in Palmerston North - beneficiaries
Beneficiaries house hunting in Palmerston North say the rental situation is dire, and many people don't know what they can do. Audio
Pricey emergency dental system needs overhaul - dentists
Dentists are calling for an overhaul to emergency dental treatment for the poor, as tens of millions of dollars are spent every year on treatment. Work and Income has given out 400,000 emergency… Audio
Turei admits enrolling to vote at different address in 1990s
Greens co-leader Metiria Turei has admitted enrolling at an address where she was not living in 1993, saying she did it to vote for a friend who was running as a candidate. Audio
Turei shaken after grilling by MSD investigators
Green Party co-leader Metiria Turei has been questioned about her benefit history at a meeting with investigators from the Ministry of Social Development. Video
Greens' potential partners keep distance from Turei controversy
Labour stresses the party is separate and has its own campaign, while NZ First won't be drawn on whether it would work in a Cabinet with Ms Turei.
Deputy PM Paula Bennett reacts to Turei benefit fraud admission
Deputy Prime Minister, Paula Bennett responds to Metiria Turei's revelations that she lied to Work and Income while on a benefit. Mrs Bennett says while she was on a benefit herself as young mother… Audio
Could Metiria Turei be prosecuted for fraud?
Green Party co-leader Metiria Turei lied to Work and Income in the 1990s to avoid cuts to her sole parent benefit. The lawyer Catriona MacLennan says Work and Income has prosecuted people for similar… Audio
Metiria Turei fights backlash after benefit fraud admission
Metiria Turei says it was her duty and responsibility as an Member of Parliament to tell her story about lying while on benefits. She says NZ should not have a welfare system that makes mothers choose… Audio
Security guards seeing personal info of WINZ clients
Guards outside Work and Income offices are in another stoush over a security clampdown - this time complaining they're being forced to break the law and breach people's privacy.
Thousands more people ask for food grants
Almost 112,000 people applied for emergency grants for food in the last quarter of 2016, up almost 14,000 on 2015.
MSD apologises for repeat eviction comment
The Ministry for Social Development has apologised for saying a homeless family in emergency motel accommodation had been repeatedly evicted. Video
Caravan park paid $472k in WINZ grants
A West Auckland caravan park received nearly half a million dollars of government money in just two years, through emergency housing grants. Audio
$2300 a week for family to stay in motel
Work and Income is paying $2300 a week for a family waiting for social housing to stay in a motel. Video
Work and Income office security was lacking - MSD
The Ministry of Social Development has acknowledged it did not take all possible steps to protect staff at its Ashburton office. Audio
Protest in Auckland against precarious work
Nine people have been arrested for trespassing following a protest at a recruitment agency in Auckland.
Beneficiaries pay hundreds to live in caravans
A campground in Auckland is advertising directly to people on a benefit, with some paying hundreds a week for small units or caravans. Audio
Time for honest talk about barriers to work - Immigration Minister
The Immigration Minister has defended efforts to get NZ job seekers into the regions, saying the government needs to look at why they are not taking up work. Video, Audio
More than half of all beneficiaries owe Work and Income money
More than half of all beneficiaries now owe Work and Income money, and their debts have increased in every region over the last year.
Work and Income apologises to cancer patient
An Auckland man suffering from Hodgkin's lymphoma for a second time says a change to the law is needed after he was put on a jobseeker's benefit. Audio