Aged Care
DHBs 'withholding' people from rest homes - Association
A drop in the number of elderly being admitted to rest homes is being blamed on a push by district health boards to save money.
Aged care village operators tipped to outperform others
A report on the outlook for the aged care property sector favours integrated retirement village operators that also offer end of life care. Audio
Radio technology helps track dementia sufferers
Simple radio technology - previously used to track kiwis in the wild - is helping tackle the problem of people with dementia getting disoriented and lost. Audio, Gallery
West Coast rest home residents went hungry
Residents from West Coast rest home Kowhai Manor had gone hungry and lacked hot water, an audit has found.
DHB threatens to cut off 96-year-old's home help in Levin
A 96-year-old Horowhenua woman - whose home-help services have been cut by the MidCentral District Health Board - says the move has taken away her individuality. Video, Audio
Arvida buying three villages for $66 mln
Aged care company Arvida says it's on the look out for more businesses to acquire as smaller operators come on the market. Audio
Let Family Court decide euthanasia issues - ex-PM
Former prime minister Sir Geoffrey Palmer has waded into the emotionally-charged euthanasia debate, calling for the Family Court to have the final say.
Appeal for 'brave' decision on voluntary euthanasia
Politicians must be principled and brave on the question of voluntary euthanasia, Lecretia Seales' widower says. Audio
Episode 5 - Who cares?
Who will take care of us when we can’t take care of ourselves? And how much choice will we have in the matter, once the time comes? Video, Audio
Elderly assaults: 'They don't want you to know'
Hundreds of elderly Kiwis are being assaulted every year, with the most attacks reported in South Auckland and Wellington.
Far too few new homes suit elderly people - lobby group
Just 2 percent of new houses are designed to suit the elderly - and New Zealand's ageing population makes that a problem, a housing lobby group says.
Arvida profit above float forecast
Aquisitions and high demand has seen the retirement village operator Arvida Group report a better than expected full-year result.
Robotic seals for therapy and company
A colony of 13 robotic seals is changing people's lives at an Auckland retirement village. With Dr Elizabeth Broadbent from the University of Auckland, Orquidea Mortera of Selwyn Village and James… Audio, Gallery
Aged care beds area of focus - retirement analyst
A retirement sector analyst says a shortage of aged care beds offers providers a good opportunity for growth. Audio
Elderly woman abused while in care - report
A private hospital worker abused an elderly woman, leaving her with bruising and unable to walk after the attack, an investigation has found. Audio
West Coast DHB to close Buller rest home
The West Coast District Health Board is closing an aged care facility in Westport as occupancy levels continue to fall.
Hens in rest homes
How keeping chickens is making people happier in retirement homes. Douglas Hunter's the director of a charity called Equal Arts that set up HenPower. Audio, Gallery
Warning over Auckland retirement units
An analyst is warning of a growing risk of an oversupply of retirement units in Auckland.
Claims home care workers not getting enough training/support
Are home care workers in retirement villages being asked to do too much, without adequate training or support? Some workers say although they're meant to be looking after the "independent living"… Audio
Residents of Hokitika's only Rest Home face an uncertain future
Major flooding in the West Coast has forced the evacuation of the Allen Bryant Rest Home. Its 45 residents face an uncertain future as they wait 4-6 months to return. The Rest Home was named after… Audio