Aged Care
A major win for resthome workers
Resthome workers - most of whom are women - have won a major ruling in a landmark case that could see them awarded equal pay with men. Audio
Retirement village told to get rid of pong
A retirement village owner has been told to get rid of a smell that has been annoying neighbours for two and a half years. Audio
Call for new approach for dementia, aged residential care
An international expert on end-of-life care says major changes are needed in the way those with dementia are cared for in resthomes. Audio
Dr Ezekiel Emanuel
A leading American Doctor and health policy adviser says when he turns 75 he will decline all medical treatment. Audio
Community groups say people left isolated and miserable due to lack of ethnic care homes
Indian community groups in Auckland say the lack of rest home provision for people from different ethnicities is leaving some feeling isolated, and is affecting their health. Audio
Cocktails in resthomes
Clea House of Magic Me explains how some rest homes in the UK are combating lonliness of their residents by throwing cocktail mix and mingles with the younger generations. Audio
Alive Inside - Dan Cohen's music-based breakthrough for dementia
A US programme is having remarkable results by connecting elderly dementia and alzheimers sufferers with the music of their past. Dan Cohen is the founder of Music and Memory which involves playing… Audio
Serious failings at Tauranga rest home - HDC report
A Tauranga rest home is under fire from the Health and Disability Commissioner for failing to pick up that an 81-year-old woman had fractured her hip until six days after a fall. Audio
Insight for 23 June 2013 - Disability Care
Philippa Tolley investigates support for those with a disability and looks at a review underway. Audio
Hans Becker: Aged Care
CEO of the Humanitas Foundation, which uses the philosophy of happiness to revolutionise the social and commercial approach to retirement villages in the Netherlands. He is the lead speaker at the… Audio
Revolutionary rest home
For the past 30-odd years, registered nurse Alison Neill has been running Moreh House in Fairlie in Canterbury. It's a rest home with a difference. Audio
Dementia village
A radical new way to care for dementia suffers is being trialled in the Netherlands. Jon Henley of The Guardian has just visited the care home on the outskirts of Amsterdam. Audio
Spectrum for 22 July 2012
Specialist palliative care nurse Joan Doyle sees her work as walking alongside her terminally ill patients, helping them to live their lives to the full. They live at home and can call on Lower Hutt's… Audio
Robotic study in Auckland
The world's first multi-robotic study is taking place at an Auckland retirement village this month, involving 31 robots, 100 residents and 100 staff. The Healthbots project is being run by Auckland… Audio
Feature Guest - Richard Egan
Richard is based at the Dunedin School of Medicine and has done an extensive study (for his PhD) in NZ hospices of the spiritual needs of the dying. Audio
Southern Story for 14 July 2011 - Senior Chef
A programme run by the Canterbury District Health Board aims to teach nutrition and cooking skills to older residents on a budget. As Katy Gosset has found, the project has opened the door to a whole… Audio
Ideas for 14 November 2010 - God's Waiting Rooms
Last week it was reported that nearly a quarter of the residents in a study of 15 of Wanganui's 17 rest homes were suffering from malnourishment. It's the latest in a series of disturbing headlines… Audio