How not to lose your cool with your kids
Tips and tricks for keeping your cool with your children. Audio
Understanding the psychology of unethical behavior
Most people do not regard hypocrisy as a case of inconsistent behaviour, experimental social psychologist Daniel Effron says. Audio
Understanding positive animal behaviours
Do animals experience emotions? And how can we know when we can't ask them? We should focus on what the positive emotions of our fellow animals reveal - rather than the negative, says animal behaviour… Audio
Study shows dog behaviour has little to do with breed
There is no end to the different stereotypes when it comes to dog breeds and perceived behaviour traits. However, recent research suggests traits may have less to do with breeds than previously… Audio
Dogs may mourn the loss of other household pets
Nearly 90 percent of dogs that experienced the death of another canine companion living in the same house showed signs of grief, according to a new study published in Scientific Reports..Professor… Audio
Frontal Fatigue: how technology is overstressing our brain
In his trailblazing new book, Frontal Fatigue: The Impact of Modern Life and Technology on Mental Illness, Dr Mark Rego examines why mental illness and stress are skyrocketing alongside technology. Audio
What Dogs Want, Mat Ward
Taranaki-based clinical animal behaviourist Mat Ward specialises in positive reinforcement training, for new pups and throughout their life. It's never too late to teach an old dog a new trick, says… Audio
New study offers clues to why dogs tilt their heads
A new study of canines showed that dogs often tilt their heads before correctly receiving a specific toy. Which suggests the behaviour might be a sign of concentration and recall. Dr. Andrea… Audio
Are school exclusions happening under the radar?
An early intervention specialist believes the number of students excluded from schools is higher than official statistics. The Ministry of Education says it is working with 171 students who have been… Audio
Survey shows almost half of Kiwis pushed reset during lockdown
On March 23 2020, when the Government decided to go 'hard and early' in its response to the Covid-19 pandemic, New Zealanders were given just 48 hours' notice before the country went into Alert Level… Audio
Is any amount of coffee safe for baby during pregnancy?
Too much coffee during pregnancy could lead to kids having behavioural issues later in life. That's the takeaway from a new study which found that caffeine consumed during pregnancy can change… Audio
Parent child interaction therapy via zoom
In our parenting slot today, Kathryn talks to Australian Clinical Psychologist, Georgie Fleming about how online observations of families dealing with challenging behaviour can help diffuse… Audio
Our Changing World for 4 February 2021
Designing a new kind of filter to treat wastewater and how to encourage people to behave in a more environmentally friendly way. Audio
Women more likely to embrace behaviours aimed at preventing spread of Covid-19
It's well documented that women adhere more to preventive health practices than men, so it's no surprise that a big new study out of Yale University and New York University has confirmed that women… Audio
‘We are by nature a worried species’
Alain de Botton says that while it is natural to worry, the truth is that Homo sapiens are a resilient species that have been through extraordinary cycles of suffering and joy. He says one of the… Audio
Why trigger warnings don't help
Advocates for trigger warnings have made strong claims about their benefits, but Dr Christian Jarrett has studied a wealth of research and doesn't think we are able to brace ourselves emotionally when… Audio
What's behind the rise of the hoarding disorder?
Clinical hoarding affects up to 6 percent of the world population, twice as many as OCD, yet it is a largely misunderstood disorder. Audio
Kitty Flanagan's 488 Rules For Life
The very witty Kitty Flanagan has helpfully put together a comprehensive guide to modern behaviour, and help everyone around you be a bit less irritating, with her new book, 488 Rules For Life: The… Audio
What science can teach us about happiness
Yale University psychology professor Laurie Santos teaches the university's renowned happiness course. She offers up a few small things that can help bring more happiness to our everyday lives. Video, Audio
Does the Beard Maketh the Man?
Dr. Eleanor Rycroft is a Lecturer in Theatre at the University of Bristol and has been looking at the question of when did beards suddenly become important? Audio