The Official Cash Rate is down, but are you up on the impact?
The OCR goes up to bring inflation down. So now that the OCR is falling, what does it mean for inflation - and what does that mean for New Zealanders? Audio
More middle-income earners seeking help - budgeting service
Figures out on Thursday confirm what most have already been feeling. The consumers price index increased 6.9 percent in the year ending March 31 - a three decade high.
Andrew Henderson from the… Video, Audio
Auckland Council focuses on road safety in 10-year plan
Auckland Transport has signed off its $16.5 billion 10-year budget - and it's promising a big emphasis on road safety. Audio
Government in crisis mode ahead of budget - National
The opposition says the Government is in crisis because it overpromised during the election campaign, and is now trying to cover that up by blaming historic underspending. Video, Audio
Political party promises should be costed - NZIER
Remember Labour's alleged $11 billion hole in its policy costings? National said one thing on it, Labour, and practically every economist asked about it, said something else. Could the answer be to… Audio
DHBs forecasting budget blowouts
District health boards throughout the country are predicting massive deficits for the year ahead. The Ministry won't disclose the total amount, but Checkpoint understands it's much higher than the… Video, Audio
Steven Joyce poised to deliver first Budget in two days
After eight years of being Bill English's sidekick - Steven Joyce is poised to finally deliver his first budget as speculation mounts it will include shifting income tax thresholds and boosting the… Audio
Robertson and Joyce weigh in on the infrastructure spend-up
Labour's Finance spokesman Grant Robertson isn't celebrating the government's infrastructure announcement. He says National is just trying to make up for its own infrastructure deficit and a lot more… Audio
Education Ministry fails to spend budget on new schools
Despite numerous concerns about overcrowding, the Ministry of Education failed to spend all the money put aside to build new schools and classrooms in the last financial year. Audio