Climate Change
Rising sea levels could affect freshwater
Rising sea levels could reduce the availability of freshwater in some parts of the country, particularly in Wellington, the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment says.
Sea levels 'not a matter of speculation'
There is no room for speculation about rising sea levels when you're standing up to your knees in water in your back yard, says Dunedin Mayor Dave Cull. Audio
Could the Paris attacks derail COP21?
Power Play - Could last week's terrorist attacks in Paris derail the major climate change talks due to be held in the city in less than two weeks time?
Sea levels 'like an unfolding red zone'
The impact of rising sea levels on communities is "like a slowly unfolding red zone", according to Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment Jan Wright. Audio
NZ urged to act on rising sea levels
At least 9000 buildings across coastal New Zealand have been flagged as being at risk of rising sea levels. Could your home be one of them?
Our Own Odysseys: Cycling Story-Collector Pt 2
Graduating from Harvard in May 2014 with a B.A. in Folklore & Mythology, Devi Lockwood has been on her bike travelling around the Pacific collecting stories about water and climate change - she… Audio
Controversial NZ proposal at emissions conference
New Zealand will have a controversial proposal on the table when a crucial emissions conference gets under way in a few weeks' time. Video
Controverial NZ proposal on the table at Paris climate talks
In just a few weeks world leaders, ministers, officials and observers from 196 countries will converge on Paris to try to nail down the first globally binding deal to reduce climate-damaging… Audio
Law student tackles govt on climate change
Law student Sarah Thomson, 24, plans to take the government to court over its climate change policy, claiming its targets are too low. Audio
Law Student takes Government climate change policy to court
A law student in the Waikato is going to court to challenge the Government's policy on climate change. Sarah Thomson is seeking a judicial review of the greenhouse gas emission targets the government… Audio
New climate change warnings released
Climate change could increase poverty levels by up to 100 million people, the World Bank says - and a second study says several cities could be swamped.
What does the Canadian election mean for global politics?
Canada's relations with the United States has some parallels with New Zealand and Australia, they're the smaller neighbour which often gets overlooked when it comes to big, international affairs. But… Audio
A journey through the Anthropocene
Gaia Vince is the author of Adventures in the Anthropocene, which won the 2015 Winton Science Book Prize. Audio
Climate change to melt away ski seasons
Skiers could be feeling the heat from global warming as soon as 2040, with rising temperatures predicted to reduce snow fall and cut short snow seasons.
Auckland Council considers climate change impact on coast
A study is under way into how Auckland's coast will be affected by climate change, Auckland's deputy mayor Penny Hulse says. Ms Hulse is leading a group of local government...
Climate change plans will miss target
The World Energy Council is dismissing climate change plans as not good enough and says ot plans to write to all participants of upcoming climate talks in Paris.
Pacific nations meet before Paris climate change conference
It's hoped the outcomes of a climate resilience conference in Fiji will give the region a strong platform before next month's global climate change conference in Paris. Audio
Business leaders meet to talk about climate change
Leading New Zealand business and industry leaders have met to reach an agreed policy position to feed into the international climate change talks that get underway in Paris, in early December. Audio
Is it time to include farming in NZ's ETS?
Farmers could have to pay their way under a revised Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) if advice from officials is accepted by the government. Audio
80 homes and businesses to be bulldozed for floodbank
Almost 80 riverside homes and businesses in Lower Hutt will be bought by the regional council and the land used to construct a new multi-million dollar stopbank to protect against flooding. Audio