'Gene editing does feature in Māori narratives. What I’m wary of is people running off and weaponising that.'
A team of experts discuss the future of gene editing to control pests, and how it connects with mātauranga Māori. A highlight of the NZ International Science Festival from July 2021. Audio
Playing Favourites with outgoing DOC boss Lou Sanson
Lou Sanson has had a life-long love affair with nature. Now he's hanging up his hat at DOC, and is joining the show to reflect on some highs and lows during his time, and play some favourite songs. Audio
'Arohia te taiaho' notice nature - theme for Conservation Week
It's 'Te Wiki Tiaki Ao Turoa' or 'Conservation Week' And the Department of Conservation is encouraging us all to take a moment to 'Arohia te taiaho' - notice nature. Our producer Ellie Jay spoke to… Audio
Detector Gadget gets a special ferry ride to the vet!
Detector dog Gadget was on duty on Rakiura Stewart island when she slipped and broke her leg. Thankfully a special ferry service came to her rescue. Gadget's handler Sandy King talks to Jesse about… Audio
DoC mulls an appeal over controversial Aupōuri water consents
The Department of Conservation is today considering an appeal against controversial Far North Aupōuri Peninsula water consents.
Consent granted for billions of litres to be taken from Far North aquifer
Far North landowners have been given the green light to take billions of litres of water from an underground aquifer.
The water, which will mainly be used for avocado orchards, will come out of the… Audio
DOC using boats to usher orca pod out of Porirua inlet
Boats are being used to try to move a pod of orca in an inlet north of Wellington out to sea.
Wellington orca pod could be baby Toa's relatives
Conservation groups aren't ruling out the possibility a pod of orca in a Wellington inlet could be the family of Toa, the orca that died in July.
Rash of leopard seal sightings during lockdown
Sightings of leopard seals have spiked during the level 4 lockdown.
Running up the flag in Scott Base
New Zealand is to get a new, modern, and expensive development at Scott Base. Is it just for science - or are other factors at play here?
Conservation park declares war on rabbits
A conservation park near Masterton is about to level up its battle against a soaring population of rabbits, after a funding boost from Government.
Tourism operators want new rules for national parks
Tourist operators say the rules governing national parks are so outdated that when a crisis like Covid-19 strikes and they need to adapt, they're hamstrung.
Critter of the Week: The Goblin Shark
This week's critter is perfect for a Friday the 13th show! Drifting in the dark waters of the world's deep oceans is a rare species of shark with demonic jaws, the Goblin shark. Audio
Conservation millions also help Taranaki hapū and whānau
Ten million dollars of funding for conservation projects in Taranaki is also fostering hapū and whānau, say project leaders.
When eco-products are more marketing than truth
Companies are increasingly claiming to be 'eco' - their products are good for the planet - but how true are these environmental claims? And how much is just greenwashing? Audio
'Devastating' research: Fears emperor penguins face extinction as ice habitat warms
If Antarctic sea ice continues to decline at current rates emperor penguins will become extinct, a new report predicts.
Dianne Ludwig: welcoming back slow fashion
For most of her professional life Dianne Ludwig worked in the corporate world, but when she retired she decided to start a small hobby business selling vintage clothing online under the moniker… Audio
MPI puts pinch on black market crayfish ring
MPI officers believe crayfish black-market ring took more than 4300 crayfish from Hawke's Bay.
Hopes to restablish South Island tīeke on the mainland
It is hoped the release of South Island tīeke into a wildlife sanctuary in Nelson will re-establish the birds permanently on the mainland.
The rare wattlebirds are the first species to be… Audio
Kāpiti community reeling at proposal to increase snapper fishing
A community on the North Island's west coast is reeling against proposals to ramp up snapper fishing in the area.
Following a complete depletion of snapper in the area at the beginning of the… Video, Audio