Cableway planned to transport workers, machines on Mt Messenger bypass build
Later this year, motorists travelling over Mt Messenger on State Highway 3 in Taranaki could get a fleeting glimpse of 20-tonne digger seemingly flying through mid-air.
Waka Kotahi is about to build… Audio
Suicide rate in construction sector 'appalling', minister says
Minister of Building and Construction Poto Williams is supporting calls for mental health initiatives to be written into government construction contracts.
Student engineer signed off dozens of projects while posing as structural expert
A student engineer posed as a structural expert for years, signing off on 30 earthquake assessments on buildings, even though she did not even have a degree.
Call for mental health support in construction sector
An Auckland couple want mental health support written into government construction contracts to protect workers who hit the wall. Audio
Student engineer who posed as structural expert censured
A student engineer who posed as a structural expert for years, signing off on 30 earthquake assessments on buildings, even though she did not even have a degree, has been censured by Engineering New… Audio
Auckland Council rejects 35-year Pakiri sand mining bid
Residents have won a major battle against McCallum Bros, Auckland's biggest supplier of sand for concrete, with a resource consent application to take more sand off a beach north of the city rejected.
Construction injuries stopping about 340 homes being built each year
In the middle of a housing crisis avoidable construction injuries are stopping about 340 more homes being built each year.
The stats are through the roof. Two million more metres of scaffolding could… Video, Audio
Construction sector pleased with apprenticeship announcement
The government is extending its support for 38,000 apprentices in jobs and training, and the construction sector appears to be pretty pleased.
It's one of the big-ticket items in Budget 2022 -… Audio
Govt to extend apprenticeship subsidy, but at a lower rate
The government is extending the amount of time it will subsidise apprenticeships - but it's cutting the rate of the subsidy.
A $230 million investment from this year's Budget will support 38,000… Audio
Wellington construction firm collapse leaves $8.7m shortfall
A shortfall of $8.7 million has been left by the collapse of Wellington construction company Armstrong Downes Commercial, liquidators say.
Opening date set for long-delayed Manawatū bridge
A long-awaited bridge connecting two central North Island districts will finally open later this month.
'We can complete the project': Developers give assurance after building firm liquidation
Armstrong Downes Commercial had eight projects under way in the capital including work on schools, and a multi-million dollar revamp of Frank Kitts park on the waterfront. Audio
Armstrong Downes Commercial: more construction companies could collapse
The Chief Executive of one of the country's biggest commercial construction companies warns more building companies could collapse. Wellington-based construction company Armstrong Downes Commercial… Audio
Amstrong Downes Commercial collapse worries industry
The collapse of Wellington construction company Armstrong Downes Commercial is sending alarm bells ringing across the industry.
Master Builders chief executive David Kelly says many contractors are… Audio
Construction company's folding affects Wellington developments
Wellington developers are insisting peoples' homes will be finished and their money is safe despite the company building the projects being put into liquidation.
Grant Thornton liquidators says the… Audio
Fears more construction companies could collapse
The collapse of Wellington construction firm Armstrong Downes Commercial has led to fears that other building companies could be at risk.
New Zealand Construction Industry Council executive director… Audio
Wellington construction company faces liquidation
A large Wellington commercial construction company has gone into liquidation.
Christchurch council sued by owners of badly designed building
The Christchurch City Council is being sued by the owners of a badly flawed building whose engineer has been sanctioned.
Engineer of quake-prone building deregistered: 'The public could have been at risk'
An engineer whose design of a multistorey in Christchurch's main shopping precinct was so flawed and "incompetent" the building was immediately an earthquake risk, has been deregistered.
Dunedin's George St facelift gets underway
The traffic cones are out and barriers are up as Dunedin's Retail Quarter undergoes a face lift.
The George Street revamp was prompted by the need to replace old water, wastewater and stormwater… Video, Audio