Long Read: Bone Hunters
By George Driver: An ancient lake bed in St Bathans is revealing New Zealand's mysterious past. Audio
Book review - Best of 2019
Jenna Todd of Time Out Bookstore with her favourite books of 2019: Ducks, Newburyport by Lucy Ellman (Text Publishing) and Childhood by Tove Ditlevesen (Penguin). Lucy Ellmann's Ducks, Newburyport is… Audio
Angela Clifford: the foodie farmer passionate about sustainability
There's never a dull moment for Waipara Valley farmer, educator and foodie Angela Clifford. She grows 60 varieties of fruit and vegetables and has chickens, turkeys, ducks, sheep, bees, cows and pigs… Audio
The life of a 16-year-old poultry breeder
Laura Inglis has been taking purebred chickens and ducks to local poultry competitions for as long as she can remember. The 16-year-old has a menagerie of over 100 feathered friends at her parents'… Audio
Quack! Duck hunting season begins
Around 40,000 hunters are expected to head to their maimais and aim for the sky when the duck hunting season kicks off tomorrow. Paul Stenning from Invercargill has been duck hunting for 43 years. Audio
A lot to crow about
This year, 1250 birds were entered into the Waikato Poultry and Pigeon Club's championship show. It's a beauty pageant that organisers hope will delight members of the public so they too will decide… Audio
Feeding ducks bread can kill them
Did you know feeding birds bread can ground them, even kill them? And it also pollutes waterways. A Christchurch community group is mounting a campaign to spread the word. Video, Audio
Motivated by the converging problems of environmental degradation, over population, peak oil and climate change, Olmec and Melisa Sinclair employ permaculture principals to develop resilient solutions… Audio, Gallery
Oil off a duck's back
It takes 400 litres of freshwater to clean a seabird that has been covered in oil, but new research using ducks shows that seawater is a viable alternative Audio
Pateke - New Homes for a Rare Duck
The pateke or brown teal population on Great Barrier Island is increasing due to cat trapping and the creation of new wetland homes Audio
Healthy Duck Food
A survey has declared that the innocent habit of feeding the ducks is detrimental to both the birds' health as well as the waterways they inhabit - with UK Canal & River Trust environment manager… Audio
Ducks Unlimited
Ducks Unlimited is a conservation group which aims to increase the number of New Zealand wetlands, as well as developing ecosystems which will support water birds. The organisation helps with funding… Audio
50,000 feathered friends
Bridgette Karetai and Jeff Niblett from NZ Gamebirds raise 50,000 ducks, partridges and pheasants on the banks of the Tutaekuri River. Audio
Listen to the mallard, the ducks that gather en masse whenever bread is thrown out at an urban pond. Audio
Craig Shepherd is The Duckman! He runs a duck and waterfowl hospital and breeds the endangered brown teal. Audio