E Cigarettes
E-ciggies asthma risk, a nose for therapy and the IgNobels
Science correspondent Siouxsie Wiles looks at a new study in mice which suggests flavoured e-cigarettes may worsen asthma, an electronic nose which can detect chemicals in the breath of lung cancer… Audio
Big Tobacco ‘subsidising’ e-cigarettes for Māori
Tobacco giant Philip Morris is targeting Māori with its new e-cigarette, selling the device to them at half price and going to places with high Māori populations to promote it. Guyon Espiner… Video, Audio
First smokefree tax break plea - what's next?
While the Government has dismissed Philip Morris's appeal for tax breaks on its smoke free products can we expect more aggressive marketing from cigarette manufacturers of its vape products ? Kathryn… Audio
Vaping gets the backing of the Ministry of Health
The Ministry of Health is now backing e-cigarettes to help the country reach its Smokefree goal by 2025. Although e-cigs with nicotine were made legal early this year, the government hadn't endorsed… Audio
E-cigarettes just replace one addiction with another-
The Government says vaping is 95 percent less harmful than smoking cigarettes, with associate Health Minister Nicky Wagner encouraging journalists to try it, as Joanna MacKenzie reports. Audio
E-cigarettes to be legalised
The products won't be hit by the extra taxes on normal tobacco, nor will they have to use plain packaging. However, they will be restricted to people 18 years and over and banned indoors, where… Audio
E-cigarettes and e-liquid to be legal
The sale of nicotine e-cigarettes and e-liquid, will be legalised, the Government announced this morning. Audio
E-cigarettes: do the benefits outweigh the risks?
New Zealand's about to change the law so people can legally buy e-cigarettes containing nicotine here. This Way Up reviews the current state of our knowledge about the safety of the vaping and the… Audio, Gallery
This way Up: What is Vaping?
New Zealand's overhauling the law governing the sale of e-cigarettes, with changes expected by the end of the year. This Way Up's Simon Morton has been looking at what we know about the science and… Audio, Gallery
Vaping safer than smoking
The Health Ministry says vaping is safer than smoking and is moving to make e-cigarettes legal by the end of the year. Nine to Noon speaks to Ministry advisor Professor Hayden McRobbie. Audio
Govt's plans to legalise all e-cigarettes gets backing
The government plans to legalise the sale and supply of all electronic and e-cigarettes, saying the current laws are confusing and ineffective. Audio
Calls for Government to allow e-cigarettes
Some New Zealand tobacco researchers are calling for the Government to allow e-cigarettes containing small amounts of nicotine, to be sold here in the same way the nicotine patches are. Audio
Concern that e-cigarettes adverts could attract non-smokers.
Concerns have been raised that advertising e-cigarettes could attract non-smokers. Audio
Giving up Smoking - How Good are E-cigarettes
Chris Bullen describes a study comparing e-cigarettes with patches and placebos as tools to quit smoking Audio
Giving up Smoking - How Good are E-cigarettes
Chris Bullen describes a study comparing e-cigarettes with patches and placebos as tools to quit smoking
AudioThe crackdown on nicotine products for e-cigarettes.
People using electronic devices - or e-cigarettes - to get them off smoking are being forced to get around the rules by importing their own products from overseas and a public health expert Chris… Audio