Which of our biggest organisations are managing to close the gender gap?
Who's in charge at some of our biggest organisations and how are they doing when it comes to gender balance? Audio
When being colourblind backfires
The Detail: Is the government's new directive that public services should be prioritised on the basis of need, not race, a championing of equity - or has it just removed a vital tool from… Audio
The waitlist algorithm that morphed into a political weapon
MPs have spent much of the week debating the merits - or otherwise - of an algorithm that takes into account ethnicity to help prioritise patients waiting for elective surgeries. Audio
New Zealand "lagging behind" in pay gap transparency measures
Today is International Workers' Day, also known as May Day. Auckland student Nina Santos is the Delivery Manager for MindTheGap, which hosts New Zealand's first Pay Registry. She joins the show to… Audio
Do you look like your name?
In a new series of studies, researchers have found that participants shown ID-style photos of people they'd never met were able to recognise the first name of the depicted person well above the chance… Audio
Study has found ethnic divisions on attitudes towards vaccine
New research has found that attitudes towards vaccine safety are different based on ethnicities. The Panel speaks to researcher, Carol Lee about what she found. Audio
Study shows dairy milk 'associated with breast cancer risk'
A new study conducted by researchers at Loma Linda University Health has associated consumption of dairy milk with a greater risk of breast cancer in women. New Zealand Professor Gary Fraser was the… Audio
More than two thirds of Kiwis support End of Life Choice bill
Seventy per cent of New Zealanders polled in a Research New Zealand online panel have stated they are in favour of the legislation which allows terminally-ill adults to request a medically-assisted… Audio
From sworn religious enemies to peacemakers in action
Former enemies Imam Dr Muhammad Ashafa and Pastor Dr James Wuye spent years as the leaders of violent militias fighting each other in Nigeria, but an unlikely meeting saw their worlds come together in… Audio
The changing face of New Zealand
Demographer, Professor Paul Spoonley talks about the changing face of New Zealand as Stats NZ's latest data shows how ethnic diversity will change the country in the next decade. Audio
How race affects economic behaviour
What impact does a person’s race or other aspects of their identity, and even emotions, have on financial transactions? Audio
What does it mean to be 'White Māori'?
Victoria University students, Kahu Kutia and Kayla Polamalu talk to Kathryn Ryan about growing up with two different identities in New Zealand, and about the term White Māori. They have Māori and… Audio
Empires, Nation States & Violence
The First World War in Perspective: A First World War centenary Lecture organised by Te Papa and the German Embassy, in which Professor Jörn Leonhard of Freiburg University offers an historian's… Audio
May the best speaker win
Top students from secondary and tertiary institutions gather to compete for first place in a speech competition - in Chinese. Lynda Chanwai-Earle meets students from around the North Island to see who… Audio, Gallery
The Panel with Brian Edwards and Jock Anderson (Part 1)
David Cunliffe's future, ISIS turns its gaze on Australia, and the secret rejection of multiculturalism. Audio
Constable Gurpreet Arora - A shy local hero
Asian Police Officers on the beat in Manukau Counties: why it's great to have multilingual cops on the streets of our most ethnically diverse region in the country. Constable Gurpreet Arora takes… Audio
Gabriela Misca: the psychology of inter country adoptions
Dr Gabriela Misca is a developmental psychologist and senior lecturer in psychology in the Institute of Health and Society at the University of Worcester in the UK. She is an international expert on… Audio
Outspoken for 10 January 2014: Auckland's people
Auckland correspondent, Todd Niall, looks at the changing face of Auckland in the light of the latest census figures which show a significant increase in the numbers of Asians now making their home in… Audio
Outspoken for 3 January 2014: Ethnicity
Is the MMP electoral process really helping to represent the interests of New Zealand's growing ethnic diversity? Brent Edwards talks to National Party MP, Alfred Ngaro and Labour MPs, Rajen Prasad… Audio