Just Kai - Fiji
A huge drop in tourists in Fiji due to the pandemic has meant growing your own food in Fiji is not only making a comeback, it's a matter of survival. About half of Fiji's population depends on tourism… Audio
Just Kai - Fiji
A huge drop in tourists in Fiji due to the pandemic has meant growing your own food in Fiji is not only making a comeback, it's a matter of survival. About half of Fiji's population depends on tourism…
AudioHaving a best friend is worth over $150,000 in extra income
We all know that people with good social interactions are happier with their lives, but what if you could put a monetary value on having a best friend? Well, that's exactly what research author and… Audio
Intense grief, when a friend dies
A new study has found that the death of a close friend can affect wellbeing for years. The Australian National University study's lead author, Dr Raymond Liu says the trauma can linger four times… Audio