No rest for the wicked at Lees Valley Station
The new farm manager at one of New Zealand's biggest sheep and beef properties in North Canterbury has hit the ground running. As well as getting up to speed with a holistic grazing system established… Video, Audio
No rest for the wicked at Lees Valley Station
The new farm manager at one of New Zealand's biggest sheep and beef properties in North Canterbury has hit the ground running. As well as getting up to speed with a holistic grazing system established…
AudioLooking After the Land
Sheep farming and environmental responsibility go hand in hand on 80-year-old Malcolm Mackenzie's 193 hectare farm near Winton in Southland. Over time he has planted shelter belts of native species… Audio
Looking After the Land
Sheep farming and environmental responsibility go hand in hand on 80-year-old Malcolm Mackenzie's 193 hectare farm near Winton in Southland. Over time he has planted shelter belts of native species…