Farmer rapt with edible bale netting
Plastic free paddocks have become a reality thanks to Grant Lightfoot. The Orepuke deer farmer, who invented a non-polluting baleage wrap that animals can eat, has just received his first shipment of… Audio
Feed Convoy heads to Hawkes Bay
Hundreds of bales of donated hay, emblazoned with smiley faces and messages like "kia kaha", are heading to Hawkes Bay this weekend as part of the Rapa Feed Run. Organisers Sophie and Daniel Hansen… Audio
Double Dutch
Karin Bos and Tineke van de Heide – registered nurses originally from the Netherlands – are living the dream on a farmlet in Banks Peninsula. Audio
Edible hay bale wrapping
A team of British chemists from farming backgrounds has come up with an edible hay bale wrapping that's attracting interest from all over the world, including from here in New Zealand. We speak to one… Audio