International Travel
Why your dream trip could be a bumpy ride
Injuries and a death on a recent Singapore Airlines flight have highlighted issues with severe turbulence Audio
Why your dream trip could be a bumpy ride
Injuries and a death on a recent Singapore Airlines flight have highlighted issues with severe turbulence
AudioThe Week in Detail: Bank fraud, broken roads and the kākāpō
The Detail podcast brings you the issues behind the news every weekday. Here's what we covered this week. Audio
The Week in Detail: Bank fraud, broken roads and the kākāpō
The Detail podcast brings you the issues behind the news every weekday. Here's what we covered this week.
AudioTaking flight: The post-pandemic travel boom
Thinking about booking that long-awaited overseas trip? International travel is back and bigger than ever. Audio
Taking flight: The post-pandemic travel boom
Thinking about booking that long-awaited overseas trip? International travel is back and bigger than ever.
AudioBags gone AWOL? The realities of post-pandemic travel
International travel is back, but flyers beware - more and more bags are going missing in transit. Audio
Bags gone AWOL? The realities of post-pandemic travel
International travel is back, but flyers beware - more and more bags are going missing in transit.
AudioFlight in the age of Covid-19
We are likely to see a total reassessment of international travel, and probably not just in the short term. Think vaccine passports and higher air fares just for starters. Audio
Flight in the age of Covid-19
We are likely to see a total reassessment of international travel, and probably not just in the short term. Think vaccine passports and higher air fares just for starters.
AudioWhat is required for international mobility to resume?
Kathryn talks with Massey University migration expert Paul Spoonley about how international mobility will be managed once New Zealand's borders reopen in the New Year. He says there are some big, as… Audio
Lonely Planet founder Tony Wheeler: Tourism post-pandemic
In 1973 Tony Wheeler and his wife Maureen founded Lonely Planet Publications and went on to publish hundreds of popular travel guides. Prior to pandemic restrictions Tony was one of the world's most… Audio
The future of NZ's travel industry
The Panel discusses the future of the travel industry with Brooker Travel's, Andrew Carmody. Audio
The bug boats - is this the end of cruising?
Ships banned, quarantined, and shunned by the bug-phobic - is the coronavirus the iceberg that will sink the cruise industry? Audio
The bug boats - is this the end of cruising?
Ships banned, quarantined, and shunned by the bug-phobic - is the coronavirus the iceberg that will sink the cruise industry?
AudioNZ law-breakers take most time for MFAT's overseas staff
Cases of New Zealanders held in jail overseas were the most time-consuming dealt with by consular staff last year.
Airport departure cards to bid farewell
Come November there will be no more ferreting round for a pen before passing through customs on your way out of the country. Since the 1920s travellers leaving New Zealand have been required by law to… Audio