Political hashtags make people less likely to believe the news
A new study set out to find whether people responded differently to the presence or absence of political hashtags in news stories in major publications. Study co-author Eugenia Ha Rim Rho is with us… Audio
Elliott Childs' podcast picks
Elliot reviews How Did This Get Played?, Conan O'Brien Needs a Friend and Heavyweight. Audio
Immigrant families have frank conversations in new podcast
A new podcast called Conversations with My Immigrant Parents sees immigrant families have conversations that they normally wouldn't. Audio
Armchair commentators reach sports fans around globe with Spalk
Auckland-born company Spalk provides sports fans with a variety of commentators from around the globe - all with different styles, languages, and backgrounds. Audio
Sale sale sale - how many imported shopping events can we take?
New Zealand's seen an explosion of imported online shopping events - but are we pushing this retail trend too far? Audio
Podcast Critic: Katy Aktin
Stuff podcast critic Katy Aktin looks back at the best podcasts of 2019. Audio
Northland school achieves almost total measles vaccination rate
A Northland primary school has achieved an almost complete measles vaccination rate by reassuring parents that the MMR vaccine is safe, contrary to misleading information online. Audio
China's face scans: Bid to 'keep tabs' on phone users
People in China are now required to have their faces scanned when registering new mobile phone services, to keep tabs on hundreds of millions of internet users.
Emailing is bad for the environment
Emailing isn't just annoying, it's also bad for the environment. Audio
Sacha Baron Cohen takes down the silicon six
Actor and comedian Sacha Baron Cohen's launched a blistering attack on the six people at the head of the most influential social media platforms over their failure to stop the spread of hate. Audio
Why you turn the radio down while trying to park your car
Ever wondered why you instinctively turn down the radio while you're trying to park? It has to do with the demands on our ability to concentrate, and the limitations of the human brain. Dr. Simon… Audio
New credit card scam costing Kiwis thousands
A new scam which sees small amounts (around $10-$15) deducted from credit card accounts each month -- ostensibly for things like software purchases -- before one big charge is logged, has emerged on… Audio
'You can't be a wimp if you want to achieve greatness'
Sir Michael Hill is in the Musical Chair this morning, talking to Jim about 40 years in the jewellery business, continuing to strive and dream big, his new book, his beloved golf course and the… Audio
Social media influencer incomes soar
A new report has found social media influencer incomes have risen meteorically in the last few years - but the industry is coming under more scrutiny.
4.5m Christchurch mosque attacks related pieces of content removed from Facebook
Facebook says by the end of September it had removed more than 4.5 million pieces of content related to the Christchurch mosque attacks.
In figures out today, it says 97 percent of the items were… Audio
Podcast Critic: Katy Atkin
Stuff's Katy Atkin reviews White Silence and A Perfect Storm: The True Story of The Chamberlains. Audio
Helen Clark's rules for the internet
The Helen Clark Foundation has released its latest report laying out what it calls 'the Christchurch Principles' which is a set of 10 broad recommendations for internet regulations and policies. Audio
Cautionary tales about your digital data
As Facebook faces legal pushback in the US for exploiting users’ data, three reporters here produced eye-opening cautionary tales of online intrusion into people’s most private stuff for commercial… Audio