Lawyer model smashes billable hours
An online law business Consensus is throwing out the old billable hours model and replacing it with a fixed fee system. But there's more to the concept than just how the legal fees are billed. Anton… Audio
Budget 2018: Questions remain over new broadcasting spending
The government has allocated an additional $15 million in the Budget for public broadcasting, but it is not clear where the new investment will go or when we will see the benefits. Audio
You can’t be serious: satire, parody and copyright
Many countries allow citizens to pinch bits of TV shows, movies and songs to take the mickey out of them. But our copyright law still has no exception for parody and satire. Should we take our lead… Video, Audio
Local apps fill news gaps
Chances are you’ve never heard of the Independent App Network of NZ, but its members have launched local news apps from Wellington to Ashburton and journalists are being hired to work on them.
Bits+Bytes: the future according to Google
Peter Griffin beams in from Google's developer festival I/O 2018 to tell us what the tech company have got in the development pipeline. [Peter Griffin travelled to California with the assistance of… Audio
Cyber security in the quantum computing age
For National Privacy Week this week, a scientist is speaking to parliament to warn them of the dangers of the coming quantum age, and to offer some solutions. Audio
Boosting local journalism for the Southern Lakes
The backers of a new media venture in Queenstown and Wanaka say the region risks becoming a “digital backwater” and - like other places in the South Island - it's starved of good local journalism. How… Audio
Stuff switches size
The country’s biggest paper chain downsized its daily papers this week to freshen them up, cut costs and hopefully halt sliding sales. But apart from the smaller pages - what’s new? And how did… Audio
What happened to being polite?
The panelists discuss an opinion piece about how people talk to their digital assistants - Siri, Alexa and the like. The author says how rude or polite people are to these electronic assistants says a… Audio
Social media teaching kids new ways to bully - Principal
Mark Potter, principal of Wellington's Berhampore primary school says social media is training kids a whole new way to bully each other. Audio
Your degree may soon be useless
A new report says 40 per cent of degrees will soon be obsolete. Traditional degrees could disappear within a decade the report has found. Audio
Enforcing the "Amazon tax"
The Government's set to announce new measures to collect GST on goods bought by New Zealanders overseas. The 15 per cent applies to goods under $400 and has been dubbed the "Amazon tax". Audio
Another Facebook photo fail
Facebook looked daft in in 2016 when it censored a Norwegian newspaper’s use of famous Vietnam War photo because of nudity. Facebook said it would rethink the way it applies its ‘community standards’… Audio
Infrastructure fails
Broadband cables being chewed by rodents. Landline phones not working in storms. People want their amenities to not be so vulnerable. We talk to Tristan Ilich of the Telecommunications Users… Audio
Podcast critic Katy Atkin
Our regular podcast critic Katy Atkin tells us about two new podcasts she has been listening to The Assassination from the BBC World Service and When Meghan Met Harry Audio
Gambling grooming for children?
What's the correlation between online games for children and gambling? We talk to Andree Froud of the Problem Gambling Foundation about the dangers of free games apps. Audio
Hawera Cinema's onesie ban goes viral
When a cinema in the Taranaki town of Hawera banned patrons from wearing pyjamas, dressing gowns, dirty gumboots and onesies to their screenings it likely didn't expect to become a global story. Audio
Students increasingly accessing restricted material online
Thousands of high school students are actively bypassing internet security systems in schools, allowing them to anonymously access pornography and inappropriate material on their devices. Almost all… Audio
Bits+Bytes: Amazon conquers the world
What's happening with Amazon's Australasian strategy, and is Prime likely to come this way anytime soon? Plus is the new international cybersecurity accord akin to a digital Geneva Convention or a… Audio
Teen charged over cyber bullying
A Christchurch teenager is one of the first people to be charged under the Harmful Digital Communication laws.We ask Heather Henare of Skylight Counselling if punitive measures against young… Audio