A third of retirees feel lonely or socially isolated - study
The research from Age Concern found 59 percent of kiwis aged 65 plus had recently felt lonely or socially isolated. But up to 30% feel that way a lot or all the time. Last year, the US surgeon general… Audio
Long Read: Loss of Incidental Connections
By Susan Strongman: Retired and living alone in Hamilton, Mum ticks a lot of the boxes that put her at risk of loneliness. Audio
The Reading Revolution taking Aotearoa by storm
There's a reading revolution happening in Aotearoa; a community initiative where people are coming together (albeit by Zoom right now) to read literature aloud and chat about whatever a story or poem… Audio
Prefer pets to people? You're not alone
A recent study out of Australia showed that about a third of people there would rather spend time with their pets than people, with women more likely to prefer their furry friends to humans. And it's… Audio
The odd rituals that can help ease loneliness
Research from the University of California has found that people who adopt unique rituals to make everyday tasks more meaningful can help ease loneliness. Professor Thomas Kramer discusses the… Audio
Lockdown is tough going for the lonely
Being locked down also means for many people being locked out of meaningful face to face interactions - for them, Level 3 is a tense and frustrating time. Audio
The Lonely Century Noreena Hertz
In a world where robots are replacing people and you can rent a friend, economist and author Noreena Hertz talks to Kathryn Ryan about loneliness. She has been named as "one of the world's leading… Audio
Millennials and Generation Z unhappier than other ages - study
A study on the health and well-being of Kiwis has found our rangatahi are feeling less connected than other age groups. Audio
Dr Vivek Murthy on the healing power of human connection
Loneliness is natural, normal and very common – but it's also bad for our health, says Dr Vivek Murthy, former surgeon general of the United States. Being lonely can increase our risk of heart… Audio
Professor Emrys Westacott: Covid-19 pandemic 'spells the end of the neoliberal era'
Many have revelled in a return to a simpler life due to Covid-19. Professor Emrys Westacott, who wrote The Wisdom of Frugality, says this is a time to reflect on whether the type of society we had… Audio
More support needed for the elderly even outside lockdowns
Vulnerable older people will still need help, even after the covid-19 pandemic is over, community organisations say.
Covid-19: Who are the lonely in New Zealand?
The lockdown has reinforced the notion that humans are a social species who aren't designed to be alone. Yet more and more people are feeling isolated and lonely. Hannah Hawkins-Elder has worked… Audio
How to change your habits? Start very small
Forget thinking big. Behaviour scientist Dr. BJ Fogg says we should instead be thinking small and introducing tiny behaviours. Video, Audio
Eldercare sector : protecting the elderly, screening visitors
The aged care sector has formed an industry task force to deal with the challenges posed by Covid-19, and is now bringing in restrictions on visitors in line with Ministry of Health pandemic safety… Audio
Study on rabbits reveals the secret to living a longer life
In 1978, a seemingly straightforward experiment involving New Zealand rabbits discovered that kindness made the difference between a heart attack and a healthy heart. It's called the 'rabbit effect'… Audio
Ellen Heyting: my year of trying to buy nothing
For the whole of 2019, Finland-based Australian teacher Elln Heytin tried not to buy anything apart from vital supplies such as food and toiletries. In the 12 months, she bought just four things – a… Audio
We need to talk about loneliness: researcher
Auckland University research into loneliness has just been made into an animated short film. The research, by Professor of Health Sciences Dr Merryn Gott, found significant loneliness and social… Audio
Hannah Rodgers: sending love to the lonely this Christmas
Hannah Rodgers and her son Jayden were on a “100 days of kindness” challenge when the Sending Love campaign was created. The idea was to send cards to people who were on their own for Christmas or… Audio
Biggest risk to ageing well is loneliness
Yoram Barak says there are some simple ways of maintaining a healthy brain into old age. Good social relationships are key. Audio
Our Changing World for 8 November 2018
An expert says loneliness is the biggest risk for brain health, and ice melting in Greenland and Antarctica. Audio