Midlife Crisis
Crisis to Contentment - Dr Marny Lishman
A midlife crisis is often stereotyped by the cliched spontaneous sports car purchase or dramatic haircuts. But as psychologist and author Dr Marny Lishman sees it "each phase of life brings with it… Audio
Millennials more interested in income than Gen Xers
A landmark research project has returned some surprising insights into how we change as we age. Among other findings, the study suggests Millennials are more interested in income and career… Audio
Middle-age misery hits at 47.2
Dartmouth College Professor David Blanchflower has studied data across 132 countries to measure the relationship between wellbeing and age and come up with a U-shaped happiness curve, which reaches… Audio
Bryce Galloway's musical midlife crisis
On his 50th birthday, Wellington artist Bryce Galloway decided it was high time to have a mid-life crisis. He got his first tattoo, and then posted a "bandmates wanted" flyer, with a view to… Audio, Gallery
Barbara Bradley Hagerty
Hollywood's version of a midlife crisis is simple: the spouse of 25 years is ditched. Men buy expensive sports cars, women go on yoga retreats to Thailand. Science has another version of what happens… Audio