Coronavirus: Should NZ offer visas to high-value investors?
Offering visas to high-value overseas investors could be a good way to quickly inject capital into the economy.
The Times in London suggests rich Americans are turning to New Zealand for sanctuary… Audio
Covid-19 and cancelled flights - what are your rights?
Outdated consumer laws in New Zealand could mean travellers grounded due to Covid-19 are stuck with thousands of dollars in airline credits they may never get to use.
Checkpoint has spoken to several… Video, Audio
Pharmac scraps lung cancer drug funding plan
Pharmac has pulled out of a plan to fund a lung cancer drug that would have helped at least 1,400 patients a year, saying it can no longer afford to make the investment.
The move has dashed hopes… Audio
More money set aside by government to help welfare and food needs
The government has approved a further $30 million to help meet immediate welfare and food needs due to Covid-19.
Coronavirus: Reserve Bank looking to lift limits on home loans
The Reserve Bank is looking at removing the limits on home loans to low-deposit borrowers to help counter the economic downturn.
Deputy governor Geoff Bascand says loan-to-value ratios were designed… Audio
Coronavirus: Queenstown tenants face high rents, no income
Queenstown is facing a new wave of rental challenges as some tenants face high rents with limited to no income.
While the district council and some landlords are offering rent relief, many say… Audio
Migrant workers in Queenstown without jobs, food
Some migrant workers in Queenstown have been stranded without pay for weeks, the Salvation Army says.
The Warehouse to cut salaries and wages of some staff
The Warehouse says it needs to cut salaries and wages, because it cannot reopen stores until the country moves to Covid-19 alert level 2.
Auditor-General warns Niue over poor record-keeping and misspending
New Zealand's Auditor-General has warned Niue over poor financial record-keeping, misused donor funds, and a budget blow-out of more than $NZ1 million.
Coronavirus: Postponed event ticket holders can't get refunds
Ticket holders for live events indefinitely postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic are frustrated that they can't get a refund.
The Commerce Commission has issued guidelines after fielding complaints… Audio
Coronavirus: Elite rugby players taking a paycut
Elite rugby players will take a pay cut as the country's biggest game prepares to survive the coronavirus pandemic.
New Zealand Rugby and the NZ Rugby Players Association have agreed half of their… Audio
Coronavirus: Should insurance companies drop premiums?
Insurance companies are saving millions of dollars during the pandemic as the number of motor vehicle accidents falls with drivers stuck at home.
Overseas companies are dropping premiums to reflect… Audio
Coronavirus: Insurance companies saving on payouts in pandemic
Insurance companies will save about $100 million on payouts for motor vehicles alone during the lockdown, given the dramatic drop in driving during the pandemic.
Consumer New Zealand is now urging… Audio
Coronavirus: 800 complaints laid over wage subsidy
The number of official complaints about the government's wage subsidy scheme have skyrocketed, with 800 laid in the space of just nine days.
The Labour Inspectorate says nine involve fraud, a number… Audio
Coronavirus: 5000 welfare requests to Queenstown Lakes District Council
Around three quarters of the people seeking welfare support in the Queenstown Lakes district are migrant workers and foreign nationals.
The Emergency Operations Centre led by the Queenstown Lakes… Audio
New Zealand workers overseas eligible for wage subsidy
Thousands of Kiwi workers stuck overseas on holiday or other leave who are running out of money are eligible for the wage subsidy, according to new government advice.
Change WINZ rules to help people, CTU says
The Council of Trade Unions says with more unemployment looming, Work and Income rules on benefits for people in relationships need to be reviewed. Audio
Coronavirus: Countdown opens customer-free supermarket
Countdown has opened a supermarket with a difference, to help deal with the increased demand they're dealing with.
The store is in the Auckland suburb of Penrose and will be like a normal supermarket… Audio
Coronavirus: Call for benefit relationship rules to be scrapped
The Council of Trade Unions says with more unemployment looming, Work and Income rules on benefits for people in relationships need to be scrapped.
Job seeker benefits can be cut to nothing depending… Audio
Relief for small businesses not enough
New measures announced by the Government to provide relief for small and medium sized businesses have been described as deeply disappointing by the sector. The announcement includes three billion… Audio