Treasury accounts opened weeks ahead of election
Treasury will today open the government books to give the public a deeper look into the Crown's accounts, and whether parties can actually fund their policies.The Chief Economist at ANZ, Cameron… Audio
Services won't be cut at Canterbury DHB - Health Minister
The Canterbury District Health Board and the Ministry of Health are at loggerheads over how to reduce the board's ballooning deficit.
Health Minister Jonathan Coleman tells Morning Report services… Audio
Impasse over how to cut Canterbury DHB's ballooning deficit
The Canterbury District Health Board and the Ministry of Health are at loggerheads over how to reduce the board's ballooning deficit. Audio
Pre-election fiscal update shows state of NZ economy
The Government will open the books today which will give political parties an idea of what extra money they may have to spend on election campaign promises. RNZ political editor Jane Patterson… Audio
Canterbury District Health Board expects $54m blowout
Budget cuts being asked of the Canterbury District Health Board could result in cuts to services of an unprecedented scale. Christchurch based professor of general practice Les Toop joins us to… Audio
Fa'alavelave and the burden of debt
It’s Money Week and the Commission for Financial Capability wants to start tough discussions about debt in some of our most vulnerable communities – particularly Pacific communities. Video, Audio
New technology with Mark Pesce
Futurist, writer, educator and broadcaster Mark Pesce dives into the topic of "Initial Coin Offerings" or ICOs, effectively a way to be able to raise money without selling securities. Audio
Oil, gas industry claims it's still strong after loss of Super Fund
The New Zealand Super Fund has substantially withdrawn from some of the world's biggest oil companies, saying they are risky investments. But the Petroleum Production and Exploration Association says… Audio
Up to our necks in it
Despite household debt being at record levels people feel they deserve to be able to spend. Audio
Survey reveals New Zealanders' anxiety over debt
Debt weighs heavily on many New Zealanders' minds, a new survey says
RBNZ expolains why its tries to talk down currency
A feature of most Reserve Bank interest rate statements is a reference to the level of the New Zealand dollar. Audio
Hackers demand ransom for Game of Thrones scripts
US TV network HBO has been hacked, with actors' contact details leaked online. US correspondent Brad Pomerance tells us the hackers are demanding a ransom or they'll leak more information. Audio
Minister reacts to call for student loan cap to be abolished
Students are demanding the government get rid of the limit on loans which they say unfairly affects those who already have undergraduate degrees. Tertiary Education Minister Paul Goldsmith told us the… Audio
Medical students are calling for an end to student loan cap
More and more medical students face having to drop out of their studies because of the eight-year cap on student loans. Students are demanding the government get rid of the limit on loans which they… Audio
A rough ride for UBER in Asia
The ridesharing app UBER is struggling to make much of an impact in Asia; QR codes spur a cashless revolution in China; and why the field of asteroid mining is so attractive for investors today. Audio
Aus bank accused of breaking money-laundering laws
An Australian bank has been accused of systemic breaches of anti-money laundering and terrorism financing laws.
Confronting play about 1980s Cannons Creek plays to home crowd
A play highlighting teenagers' tough upbringing in the New Zealand suburb of Cannons Creek has been performed in front of a home crowd. Audio
'I haven't seen a full bowl of fruit in any houses of anyone I know, for years'
A new collective of community groups are demanding more action from MPs in the fight against inequality. Audio
'There’s no such thing as fair austerity'
An emerging school of economics, modern monetary theory, says surpluses can be a bad thing, and a country with a fiat currency can never run out of money. Audio