Fears govt's accommodation supplement boost could push up rent
Only two years ago the Government decided not to go ahead with a boost to the accommodation supplement because of fears landlords could pocket the extra money, and rents could be pushed up. Video, Audio
Aucklanders heading to Northland finding they're worse off
Mental health workers are being run off their feet after Auckland families who moved to Northland to escape poverty found they were worse off. Audio
Working mum says budget increase only small help
Tutu Maru-Wichman is a single mother living in a state house in Mangere with two of her five children. As a full time glasshouse worker she brings home about $560 a week - she says the extra $28.50 a… Audio
How much accommodation supplement increase will help
Under the Government's boost to the accommodation supplement, the country's low income families will, on average, get an extra 36 dollars a week to help out with housing costs. It's the first time in… Audio
Trump urges Nato allies to pay up for defence costs
Donald Trump's in Brussels for the NATO summit where he's repeated his claims that "massive amounts of money" were owed and urged all Nato members to pay their fair share of defence costs. Our… Audio
Government says Kiwisaver still a good investment
A new book, Tax and Fairness, says an unfair tax system means Kiwisaver members end up paying tax even if their fund hasn't earned anything - whereas property investors can write any earnings off as… Audio
University can't meet demand for food parcels
Seventeen percent of the nearly 2000 students surveyed by Unitec regularly go without food or other neccessities because they can't afford them. Audio
Govt moves to clip the ticket on kiwis' nuptials
The Government has introduced new charges to register marriage celebrants and directly on marriage fees. Audio
Cutting negative gearing could push up rents - budget service
The Mangere Budgeting Services Trust Darryl Evans says if taxpayer money is reinvested that great but "we all know the odd rogue landlord" and he has concerns they will pass on the cost to tenants. He… Audio
Sue Moroney: Convicted fraudster not sophisticated
Sue Moroney, Labour's spokesperson for Transport, has been raising concerns about the handling of Joanne Harrison case for months. She disagrees with the Ministry of Transport's argument that Harrison… Audio
Annette Dixon - Leading the World Bank in South Asia
Born in Palmerston North and educated at Victoria University, Annette Dixon has been the World Bank vice-president for the South Asia Region since 2014, a job that sees her direct lending operations… Audio
Embattled Unitec reports $24m deficit
Unitec's CEO Rick Ede says the result was expected and puts it down to high employment rates and a major overhaul of the organisation. Audio
Commerce Commission warns retailers about misleading prices
When is a sale price bargain really a sale price bargain? The Commerce Commission is reminding retailers that customers have a right not to be misled. We talk Anna Rawlings, a Commerce Commissioner… Audio
Mary Holm: Investment risks Part 2
In a four-part series, Mary talks about the risks described in the newly updated Upside Downside - a guide to risk for savers and investors. In this session: too complicated, too much borrowing, not… Audio
Salvation Army calls for support for struggling renters
A new government affordability measure has underlined the high cost of housing. A senior social analyst at the Salvation Army, Alan Johnson, says houses at the cheaper end of the market might have to… Audio
Australian budget taps taxpayers and big banks for surplus
Michelle Grattan joins us to discuss the budget in Australia. She says the unexpected bank levy was most likely motivated by the push to reach surplus by 2021. She says foreigners buying into the… Audio
Midday Markets for 5 May 2017
For the latest from the markets we're joined by Don Lewthwaite at FNZC. Audio
Changes to working for families on the cards
Changes to Working for Families appear to be on the cards, as the Government talks about ways to raise the incomes of low and middle income earners. The Finance Minister is preparing to deliver his… Audio
Survey finds two thirds of New Zealanders don't carry cash
A survey indicates more than two-thirds of New Zealanders don't carry cash anymore. Audio
Council's earnings from Waitara land bone of contention
It's being argued millions of dollars the New Plymouth District Council has earned from stolen Waitara land should be included in the fraught discussions about settling one of New Zealand's… Audio