Nz Geographic
Mediawatch for Sunday 3rd November 2024
Could the boss of the country's biggest news publisher joining a local ginger group alongside political figures compromise her own company's coverage in the capital? Also: award-winning NZ Geographic… Audio
Long Read: The straight and narrow
By Bill Morris: Ploughing-the epitome of the colonial 'civilising' of land-is as fundamental to this country's history as war and rugby. Perhaps it's not surprising that we make a sport out of it. Audio
Long Read: Turning the tide
A team of New Zealanders and Tongans have just carpeted a remote Tongan island with poisoned bait, hoping to eradicate rats.
Long Read: Weaponised
By Kate Evans: With each generation, predators and prey refine their aggressive weapons and defensive armour. Audio
Long Read: Immaculate
By Dave Hansford: Meet New Zealand's lawn addicts, who can be found in the weekend perfecting their 'outdoor carpet'. Audio
Long Read: The Preppers Next Door
By Tom Doig: Doig's first question about doomsday preppers was: “What if they’re crazy?” His second question was: “What if they’re right?” Audio
Long Read: How To Save A Life
By Ellen Rykers: Fifteen years ago, Search and Rescue foresaw a crisis – its volunteers were aging, and the job is hard physical work. Audio
Long Read: The Teenage Animal
By Kate Evans: Just like humans, animals go through ‘wildhood’—a time of experimentation, creativity, danger and learning. Audio
The Detail's Long Read: Jungle Warfare
Jungle Warfare by Ellen Rykers: Auckland is the weediest city in the world - but its citizens are fighting back. Audio