Social Welfare
Sanctions without benefits
Researchers into poverty are asking the government where the evidence is that its new benefit sanction regime will work.
Sanctions without benefits
Researchers into poverty are asking the government where the evidence is that its new benefit sanction regime will work.
Case #040 - Delcelia Witika
The presiding judge described the death of Delcelia Witika as one of the most disturbing cases of child abuse to come before the High Court. David Mcloughlin covered the case. Audio
Study shows Kiwis are more mindful about consumption
The Consumer Lifestyles Report (which has been running since 1979) was released from the University of Otago Business School this week. The report's aim is to provide insights into the lifestyles… Audio
Calling Home: Sam Schoeller in Klosters, Switzerland
Sam Schoeller is based near Klosters in Switzerland. He initially arrived in Switzerland 40 years ago in what was meant to be a short excursion to learn more about the country his father came from… Audio
Migrant workers caught in limbo with no safety net
The government's being urged to hurry up and use new powers granted under legislation passed last week that would allow migrants to work in jobs outside their visa conditions. The fast-tracked… Audio
National MP says benefit cuts could be good for Māori
National MP Joanne Hayes reckons benefit cuts could be good for Māori. She says cutting benefits could strengthen whānau - if they're resourceful. Her comments have been condemned by the Māori… Audio
Actor David Johns on 'I, Daniel Blake'
Actor David Johns, previously best known for his comic work, talks to Wallace about his 'role of a lifetime' – Daniel Blake in Ken Loach's acclaimed new film, I, Daniel Blake. Video, Audio, Gallery
Former state ward assesses CYF shakeup
An expert panel set up to investigate how the Child Youth and Family deals with vulnerable young people has recommended the creation of a new department to fix a broken model which is failing many… Audio
Michael Moore: Where To Invade Next
Colin Peacock interviews American documentary filmmaker Michael Moore, whose first film in six years, Where To Invade Next, looks at social welfare programmes across Europe, Scandinavia and the Middle… Audio
Former state ward, Tupua Urlich
Throughout his childhood in state care, young Aucklander Tupua Urlich felt he had no voice. From the age of five to 15 he was bumped around a fractured social welfare system, living in more than 10… Audio