First Nations' taxman Manny Jules
C.T. (Manny) Jules is the Chief Commissioner of the First Nations Tax Commission based in Kamloops, British Columbia. He is a leading figure in getting Canada's First Nations people independence over… Audio
The Weekend Panel with Jane Clifton and Richard Harman
Our weekend panellists Jane Clifton and Richard Harman offer their thoughts on the past week's news from Aotearoa and abroad. Audio
Economist: 'We've clearly not had enough policy stimulus'
Former RBNZ economist Michael Reddell offers his analysis of the Monetary Policy Statement and explains why Kiwis need to be looking to stronger private sector investment in the long-term economic… Audio
The Weekend Panel with Jane Clifton & Richard Harman
Our weekend panellists Jane Clifton and Richard Harman offer their thoughts on the past week's news. Covid-19 is once again at the forefront of our minds, and there are questions looming whether the… Audio
'Investors should always have precious metals in portfolios'
The price of gold has hit US$2000 an ounce for the first time, making it one of the world's best performing assets. OANDA senior market analyst for Asia Pacific Jeffrey Halley joins the show to… Audio
Tax Special: Susan St John
The Panel is joined by Susan St John, Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Auckland Business School and Director of the Retirement Policy and Research Centre. Audio
Tax Special: David Law
The Panel is joined by Dr David Law from the NZ Initiative as part of a special focus on tax and how New Zealand will pay for Covid-19. Audio
Tax Special: Lisa Marriott
The Panel is joined by Professor Lisa Marriott - an Associate Dean at the Wellington School of Business and Government Victoria University. Audio
Covid-19: Why a Washington town is printing its own wooden money
After watching Covid-19 wreak havoc on his local community, Tenino mayor Wayne Fournier came up with an initiative concept to issue wooden dollars that can only be spent at local businesses - thus… Audio
How Covid-19 could change the tax system
Tax specialist Terry Baucher says there's no doubt the pandemic will have a massive impact for years if not decades. Audio
The Panel with Linda Clark & Richard Harman
New Zealand's new Covid-19 cases and the troubles at our borders, the police shooting in West Auckland, health reforms and taxes are on the agenda for our Sunday Morning panellists Linda Clark and… Audio
Taxing the digital giants
Dr Victoria Plekhanova from Massey University's School of Accountancy has been looking into how a carefully designed Digital Service Tax could redress the balance and help level the playing field for… Audio
The troubling economics of cruise ships
If the cruise industry sinks due to Covid-19, journalist Zachary Crockett will have limited sympathy for the big companies. Crockett decided to dive into the industry and found some questionable facts… Audio
Whoosh! Kablam! Tax relief
Parliament went into warp speed on Thursday to unanimously pass a tax relief bill for business owners. Audio
Tax changes necessary to fund COVID-19 response
Tax changes are expected quickly as the economy goes into a recession and money is needed to fund the government packages to help businesses affected by the lockdown. Tax expert Terry Baucher joins… Audio
Parliament works on abortion, tax, and prisoner voting bills amidst Covid-19
Covid-19 is dominating the news and minds of people across the world but it's less of a feature in the debating chamber Audio
Calls for NZ to introduce sugary drink tax
Professor of Global Health and Nutrition at Auckland University, Boyd Swinburn, says recent research he was part of points to sugary drink taxes working and would have a big impact in New Zealand on… Audio
Parliament: Get ready for some feist
It will be a feisty week in Parliament and not just from election fever. Up for debate are abortion, elections, film workers, and whether to keep the government. Audio
National hints tax cuts on offer but no details yet
The National Party is dangling an election year carrot - tax cuts - but is still holding back all of the details.
In his 'State of the Nation' speech, leader Simon Bridges said New Zealanders were… Audio
Has GST for online purchases impacted consumer purchases?
Has GST for online purchases since it was introduced in December this year had an impact? Greg Harford from New Zealand Retailers Association talks about whether it has helped or not. Audio