Increased tax for high-earning pensioners?
Retirement commissioner Peter Cordtz joins the panel to discuss a novel idea to help safeguard the future of NZ Superannuation Audio
Higher tax rate for wealthy over 65s worthy of thought
A proposal to shift more of the tax burden to wealthy over 65s so they effectively pay back their Super might be more palatable than other options which have been mooted in the past. Audio
Should film tax breaks be applied to other industries?
Economist Eric Crampton joins the discussion on whether the film tax breaks would be effective for other industries. Audio
What is Southern Response costing taxpayers?
Southern Response could be costing taxpayers upwards of $300 million following a court judgement that found it acted in a misleading and deceptive way. So who is responsible for the costly actions of… Video, Audio
Money, housing, and taxes key to reducing wealth gap - youth MPs
Youth MPs are reporting back to their actual counterparts at select committees recommending changes to reduce the wealth gap like a living wage and increased housing supply. Audio
No tax for young workers
How about this for an idea to stop brain drain and make young peoples' start in life a bit easier? Scrapping tax for those aged under 27. In Poland, from August, those under the age of 26 who earn… Audio
G20 announces strategy for multinational tax loopholes
Finance Ministers from 20 countries have said they plan to agree a set of rules to close tax loopholes used by global tech giants, echoing recent moves in New Zealand and elsewhere.
NZ ponders digital multinational tax
The government is considering a new digital services tax on multinational companies who make money out of online services in New Zealand. Tax expert Robin Oliver joins us to discuss how this might… Audio
Govt warned about implementing digital services tax
The government released details this afternoon of how it intends to tax large online multinational companies like Facebook, Google, Uber and Airbnb. However, a tax expert is warning the government not… Audio
DoC receives more than $10m for security against increasing attacks
Last week's Budget allocated $10.7 million to the Department of Conservation over four years, explicitly for security purposes amid increasing threats and violence from anti-1080 protesters. While… Audio
Legalising cannabis: A grower’s perspective
As the government announces its plans for a cannabis referendum, a self-described "cannabis master" who grows and sells marijuana, provides insight into the illegal business he's running, and what a… Video, Audio
James Shaw: We can’t make changes without tax system reforms
In February, Green Party co-leader James Shaw laid down a challenge, asking whether the government deserved to be re-elected if it didn't introduce a capital gains tax. Audio
Capital gains tax ruled out as long as Ardern’s in charge
New Zealand First has torpedoed the proposed capital gains tax, which Labour campaigned on for the last three elections. Audio
Tax Working Group head Michael Cullen doesn't expect a CGT in his lifetime
The former chair of the Government's Tax Working group says he's disappointed but not surprised that its proposal for a capital gains tax was rejected outright. Lisa Owen interviews Sir Michael… Video, Audio
NZ First torpedoes capital gains tax
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has abandoned any plans to implement a capital gains tax, not just under this government, but for as long as she's in charge. Deputy Political Editor Craig McCulloch… Audio
Tax lobby group spends $15,000 publicly backing CGT
New lobby group Tax Justice Aotearoa is defending spending thousands of dollars on advertising to push its message backing a capital gains tax. Audio
Tax expert questions timing on property tax changes
A tax expert says the government should have sorted out its approach to taxing capital gains on property investment before it shut down the ability to claim losses against other income. Audio
Watch: Sir John Key opposes capital gains tax in wide ranging discussion
Former Prime Minister Sir John Key has come out against recommendations to impose a capital gains tax, concerned it will have a crippling effect on business and farmers. He told business reporter Nona… Video, Audio
Prof Robert Frank: Luck's the key to success not hard work
Professor Robert Frank's looked into something many have long suspected, a lot of successful people owe their fortunes to good luck. He speaks to Jim about his research. Audio
Approval for both ends of a budget cycle
There was a chance this week (however slim) that you might not have to pay any tax this year. So how did that work out then? Audio