AI ate my homework
Chat GPT is here and changing education, with new versions of the technology making the use of it harder to detect Audio
Hard work makes dreams come true
Christopher and Siobhan O'Malley stand in a paddock with smiles that could melt one of the nearby West Coast glaciers. The couple have finally achieved their long-term goal of farm ownership and now… Audio
Our Changing World – The 2022 Prime Minister's Science Teacher Prize
Meet the winner of the Prime Minister's Science Teacher Prize, Doug Walker. His hands-on experiments, exciting demonstrations, and development of a new general science course have seen science… Audio
Inspiring teachers to grow and develop their skills
Lizzie Bayliss is an Auckland teacher on a mission to inspire others in the classroom who may be wading through exhaustion and red tape.
She's founded a journal - called everyday, containing articles… Audio
Farmer Time gets kids focused on farming
Best of 2022 - A new educational programme beams farmers into urban classrooms to talk about agriculture with school children. Audio
Strengths and needs in our schools: survey
New research reveals ways teachers are challenging students to be the best they can be. For what the Teaching, School and Principal Leadership Practices Survey reveals about strengths and needs in our… Audio
Kevin McArevey: teaching philosophy to north Belfast youth
By sharing his passion for the wisdom of ancient Greek philosophers, maverick headmaster Kevin McArevey has made a profound difference to the pupils at Holy Cross Boys Primary School in North… Video, Audio
Goat farmer sets the baa high for mohair
Dozens of curly haired kids browse under the watchful eyes of their nannies at Joseph Burstons' Angora goat farm in North Canterbury. Video, Audio
Teachers encouraged to get vaccinated, but no mandate - NZEI
Unvaccinated teachers across the country could soon face tougher Covid-19 restrictions.
Yesterday on the programme, Education Minister Chris Hipkins wouldn't say whether vaccination for… Video, Audio
How to prevent kids from developing addictions
New York Times bestselling author Jessica Lahey is a mother, a teacher in a drug and alcohol centre for adolescents, and a recovering alcoholic with a strong family history of addiction. Jessica… Audio
Tim Heath on how he became an 'Accidental Teacher'
Tim Heath has taken his 47 years as a teacher - the ideals, mistakes, joys and frustrations - and turned into a funny and compelling read in his new book. Audio, Gallery
There's Nothing Romantic About Pitcairn
It was the spirit of adventure that took teacher, Tony Washington and his family to Pitcairn Island. One of the most isolated communities in the world, Pitcairn is just over five-and-a-half thousand… Audio
The importance of play for young and old
Nicolas Ricketts has been the curator of The Strong Museum of Play in Rochester New York since 1998. He's researched the history of paper artifacts and board games, and served for a time as the… Audio
2020 Prime Minister's Science Prize winners
There are some familiar names as well as some new faces among the winners of the 2020 Prime Minister's Science Prizes. Audio
Calling Home: Ron Hanson in Taichung City, Taiwan
Wellingtonian Ron Hanson has strong ties to Taiwan, having lived there on and off since the turn of the century. He's Calling Home from the Nantun District of Taichung City, where he lives in a… Audio
Calling Home: Jane Va'afusuaga in Vailima, Samoa
Jane Va'afusuaga fell in love with Samoa the first time she visited in the late 1980s. She vowed to return one day but never imagined that she would eventually marry a Samoan Matai and end up living… Audio
Dr Pasi Sahlberg - schools should prioritise play, technology
The man who ran one of the most highly regarded education systems in the world says it's time to rethink education in the shadow of Covid-19. Former Director General of Education in Finland, Dr Pasi… Audio
Calling Home: Michael Anderson in Guayaquil, Ecuador
Southland man Michael Anderson moved to Ecuador with his German girlfriend Tanja to take up a teaching position, but the couple currently find themselves on strict lockdown in the port city of… Audio
Campground blues: When a holiday turns into weeks of isolation
Steve and Jacqui Clark had to bunker down in Himatangi Beach Holiday Park after coming to New Zealand for a holiday and getting caught up in lockdown. However, they are about to leave the park and… Audio
The challenges of isolating in a holiday park during Covid-19
Steve and Jacqui Clark have lived in Brunei for the last four years, but returned to NZ for a holiday just before the country's Covid-19 restrictions kicked into gear. The couple are now holed up in a… Audio