Rocket Lab to launch satellite for US military agency
The mission is for a US defence agency touting itself as providing "eyes and ears" for the States in "critical places no humans can reach".
Low-flying helicopters to measure minerals around Queenstown
A specially adapted helicopter is completing the third part of an aerial survey over Queenstown this month.
Dystopian art, fake likes and an app that dies with you
Scratch lottery tickets where you win instagram followers instead of money, apps that can only be accessed when you're phone has 5 percent battery, these are the works of pioneering Belgian artist… Audio, Gallery
Space flights could take off from Oamaru
Flights into space could be taking off from Oamaru Airport as early as this year.
The pros and cons of 5G - is there a security risk?
Security and political concerns about Huawei's involvement in 5G networks remain heightened globally - with the British government expected to decide this month whether it'll allow the Chinese company… Audio
Critical Windows security fix issued after NSA tipoff
Microsoft has rolled out an important security fix after the US National Security Agency tipped off the company to a serious flaw in its widely used Windows operating system.
Popular language app to add te reo Māori course
Te reo Māori will be added to one of the world's most popular language learning app by the end of the year.
Artificial intelligence in the world of film
There is no question that Hollywood is being ushered into a new digital age, as film studios turn to advanced technology to maximise their profits. Audio
Kashmiris travel for hours for internet amid months-long blackout
The state has been without broadband or mobile data since the Indian government revoked its special status in August.
Innovation helps diagnose infants
Samantha Hughes is a young designer who's identified a need in the healthcare system for a new approach to designing equipment that's often impractical. Audio
AI system could improve breast cancer detection - study
A Google artificial intelligence system proved as good as experts at predicting which women would develop breast cancer and showed promise at reducing errors, researchers say.
Locally made 3D printers churn out miniature sensors for less
An inventor says a homegrown 3D printer for tiny sensors that uses fewer resources could shake up international markets.
Apple accused of crackdown on jailbreaking
Apple is pushing ahead with a lawsuit against Corellium, in what is being labelled as a move to end jailbreaking.
Y2K: 20 years on
It's 20 years since there was widespread panic that the Y2K bug might obliterate the world as we know it. Audio
In a digital age, human relationships are still the key to learning
Mohamed Alansari explores what he has learnt from his research on learning in a digital world. Recorded at the Raising the Bar night in partnership with the University of Auckland. Audio
View of night sky under threat, astronomers say
From next week, a campaign to launch thousands of new satellites will begin in earnest, offering high-speed internet access from space.
Spotify to suspend political ads in 2020
Spotify says it will pause selling political advertisements on its music streaming platform in early 2020.
Russia 'successfully tests' its unplugged internet
Russia's alternative to the global internet would cut its citizens off from some foreign services.
Virtual reality to help people with autism
A team of students from Auckland University are developing a virtual reality system that could help people with autism. Audio
Spark's big test. Jolie Hodson on being bold
Spark's Chief Executive Jolie Hodson talks to Kathryn Ryan about taking high profile, high stakes risks, like the live streaming of the 2019 Rugby World Cup. Jolie Hodson was appointed to the CEO… Audio