Uber & Alex Rosenblat
Uber boasts its flexible hours and freedom - but is that the truth? Alex Rosenblat has been investigating. Audio
Passenger drones are to be up and running in Dubai soon
Dubai looks to be futuristic and introduce passenger drones to ferry people around. Audio
Rescue Drones
New Zealand researchers have teamed up with Japanese colleagues, to develop new drone technology, to be used for search and rescue. The UC DroneLab has been set-up to develop technology, with the aim… Audio
The power-giving potential of perovskite
An Oxford materials science professor says a material called perovskite can significantly improve the performance of photovoltaic cells. Audio
Game for unlimited leave and shared profits?
The CEO of Dunedin video game studio Rocketwerkz gives his staff unlimited leave, limits his salary to a notch above the highest paid worker, and has thrown out middle management. Video, Audio
Discount doco breaks ground online
NZ On Air funding is now available for online outlets to make documentaries. Jeremy Rose looks at the first major documentary paid for with the public purse. Video, Audio
Tech news: Snapchat IPO and 5G mobile
Wikipedia bans the Daily Mail as a reliable source, Snapchat gets ready to go public, plus the next generation of mobile telephony – 5G is just around the corner. Audio
Listener Feedback for 11 February 2017
Kim Hill reads emails and text messages from listeners to the Saturday Morning programme of 11 February 2017. Audio
Tom Kelley: how to unleash creative potential
Tom Kelley is a partner at the Silicon Valley design studio that pioneered the concept of 'design thinking' and the author of Creative Confidence. Audio
Professor David Leigh: Molecular machines' promise for humanity
Professor David A Leigh is the Royal Society Research Professor & Sir Samuel Hall Chair of Chemistry at the School of Chemistry at the University of Manchester. He is in New Zealand to speak at the… Audio
Swarm thinking to solve knotty problems
A cognitive scientist is building a computer platform to crowdsource the answers to some of the world's toughest questions. Audio
New technology with Sarah Putt
Sarah Putt on Spark's move on startup TeamTalk, tech leaders standing up to Trump and could flying cars be a reality in a couple of years? Audio
Spark makes takeover offer for TeamTalk
Telecommunications company Spark has made an offer to buy out market minnow TeamTalk.
Apple, Google, Facebook among 100 firms opposing Trump's travel ban
Apple, Google and other tech giants signed a legal brief opposing Donald Trump's travel ban, arguing it harms their businesses.
Visual Language Games - 101 years of artist Michael Nicholson
He was a pioneer in using machines to turn music or sound into visual images like film and video, even computer graphics.
Wellington painter, printmaker, sculptor and video artist Michael Nicholson… Audio, Gallery
Kim Dotcom: Caught in the Web
The internet, piracy, privacy, and ownership are at the heart of Filmmaker Professor Annie Goldson's latest documentary. Annie's credits include Brother Number One, and An Island Calling.
Kim Dotcom… Audio
Up against the Great Firewall of China
How can news be controlled with more than 600 million citizens of mainland China now online? A veteran journalist and media freedom advocate in neighbouring Hong Kong tells Mediawatch about working… Audio
Tech news - Facebook flourishes and #DeleteUber
Peter Griffin has the latest on Facebook's huge growth in users and ad revenue, and why did thousands of UBER customers delete the app this week? Audio
When is a kg not a kg?
The measurement of a kilogram is currently based on a hunk of metal kept under lock and key in France - but that's about to change. We find out why. Audio
Spin doctors: a global peleton
Peloton is a spin class with a difference – 80,000 bikes, 250,000 riders, and it all happens in your home. Steven Kurutz from the New York Times has been to Peloton HQ in Manhattan. Audio, Gallery